Have You Thanked Allah for His Graces?

O you, whom the sky has shaded by its stars… whom the earth has carried above its surface to play and grow. You drank from its water… ... more

12 Prophetic Methods of Education

The life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is abundant in examples in which he knew how to approach the invitee, attract his attention, draw his heart nearer to him, and then start to invite him to Islam or to educate him if he was already a Muslim. ... more

Hajj - Pagan Worship of a Black Stone or Moon-god?

How do I answer these questions (LIES) about worship in ISLAM? ... more

Words that had changed me

I heard these words from a wise women who I came to know not long ago, she was reciting the Holy Quran and had some difficulties pronouncing some words. ... more

10 Reasons Why I Chose Islam as my Religion?

Islam is the original religion that gives Muslims peace of mind and requires us to submit to the will of God. Besides man, all creations of Allah SWT submit to the will of Allah. ... more

The Consequences of Committing Sins

The great scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah wrote the following words in a famous tract called Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafi in response to a letter written to him by an individual who was seeking advice on how to rid himself of major sin. ... more

The Story of Prophet Saleh

The way God chose to speak to the people of Thamud was through the story of a camel! ... more

The Muslim Home – 40 recommendations


Bismillaah il-Rahmaan il-Raheem

In the Name of Allaah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

All praise be to Allaah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our evil deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides, no one ...

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True Signs of the Hour

In these few pages we'll talk about some of The Minor Signs of the Last Day, which the Prophet told his nation of.... ... more

Muhammad, The Prophet of Allah

What do Muslims believe about Muhammad peace be upon him ? All praise is due to Allah and may peace and blessing be upon his servant and Messenger Muhammad and on his household and all of his Companions.

Muhammad Was Sent To All Of Mankind

The first implication of the testimony that ...

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How to Instill Tawheed in Your Heart

Tawheed is a tree that grows in the heart of a believer, extending its branches increasing in beauty whenever you strive to perform deeds that draws closer to Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He. ... more

Men are the Protectors and Maintainers of Women

What does it mean that men are “protectors and maintainers” of women? ... more

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