Tag: school


Discipline forms are different based on different ages. ... more

The Public School Effect On Iman

Pay attention to your child's education from the young age... ... more

Tales of a Homeschooling Graduate

My parents instilled in me that my main ambition should be to strive to be a good Muslim, to always seek the guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah in everything I do in life. Because this is, after all, our ultimate goal. ... more

Home-schooling: The solution?

Over the past decade, the ranks of families home-schooling have grown dramatically and there are signs that home-schooling parents are doing a better job than public schools... ... more

Coping With Peer Pressure

What happens during the school years is very important. Many parents and community leaders brush-off unfavorable and un-Islamic Muslim youth behavior as being a short-term phenomenon; a mix of hormones and bad friends. Time, it is argued, will mature their thoughts and bring them in line. ...

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5 Benefits of Home Schooling

This article will share 5 benefits that homeschooling has which other schooling systems do not have. ... more

How You Can Get Started with Home Schooling

Indeed, home schooling is not just a process but also a lifestyle. It’s something that parents should be best acquainted with in order to give their children with the best education they need. ... more

What is an Islamic Education?

What is an Islamic Education? The Shaping of Tomorrow’s Vicegerents Today. The Islamic concept of Tarbiyya is more inclusive of the more important aspects of nurturing, such as teaching the students the differences between what is righ, and wrong from both the legal sense as well as the Islamic sense. ... more

The Dilemma of Schooling Our Kids in the West

The dilemma that we are facing today is that Islamic schools are not always available. If they are available, they are not affordable for all Muslims, and many of them are simply unsatisfactory (certainly not all of them). ... more

Islamic Schools: Who's Responsible?

Perhaps discipline for young ones brings benefit, But that same discipline will no longer bring results in a senior. ... more

The dialogue is still open

Allah has bestowed beauty and intelligence upon me and I was brought up in a rich family. My family provided me with everything I need to the extent that I imagined that I am the one who owns everything. My father used to motivate me to study in order to get a high certificate so that he can be proud of that. However, he could not create in me the desire of studying. ... more

Message to schoolmistress

This is a message for every schoolmistress regardless of her status, place and time; it is for every schoolmistress who took the honor of bearing this noble mission and great trust. ... more

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