Tag: manage

Set Realistic Ramadan Goals and Stick to Them!

How often do you find yourself driving, knowing where you want to go, but unaware of how to get there, what route to take, or what direction you are headed in? Probably not very often. Then why do we treat Ramadan in the same careless manner? ... more

Managing Your Emotions: Spiritual Hacks

These three powerful Spiritual tips can destroy any negative emotions in your heart and replace them with happiness and tranquility inshaAllah. ... more

How to have an Incredibly Productive Day at work

Depending where you work and what your role involves, you will find in this article some useful advice on how to organize your work day to ensure that you have a productive time at your workplace insha-Allah. ... more

Value of Time

It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. ... more

Dear Muslim sister, where do you spend your time?

The Islamic Shari’ah has obliged the Muslim girl to invest her time in what benefits her with profit and right. ... more

What is the alternative?

Whenever someone talks about this issue and mentions in detail the disadvantages of the TV programs, he faces a strange question “WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE?” ... more

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