Stand Up & Take ACTION for Syria

Stand Up & Take ACTION for Syria
Over the last several months there has been a story of sheer injustice going through my news feed by the hour- the brutal massacre of our brothers and sisters in Syria under a tyrannical and unjust ... more

The Virtue of Fasting Six Days in the Month of Shawwâl

The Virtue of Fasting Six Days in the Month of Shawwâl
Fasting six days of Shawwâl after Ramadan is one of those precious opportunities of good, where the believing slave grabs the chance and remains for the rest of his life moving from an act of ob ... more

Bleeding of the Ummah

Bleeding of the Ummah
Shaykh Abu Adnan discussing the current crisis within the muslim lands.As history repeat itself Shaykh Abu Adnan discusses some solutions to conquer the problems facing many innocent Muslim in their h ... more

Ramadan: The month of Forgiveness

Ramadan: The month of Forgiveness
Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be ... more

Bangladesh; Travesty of Justice

Bangladesh; Travesty of Justice
The secular anti Islamic government of the Awami League headed by Shaikh Hasina is carrying out a political campaign of eliminating its opponents under the slogan of national justice. The Awami Leag ... more

Shiites, Shiism, and Islam

Shiites, Shiism, and Islam
One of the most perplexing scenarios to non-Muslims and new Muslims alike is the division they may see between Shiites and Sunni Muslims. Some tend to become confused when they see that each group cl ... more

The Muslim in Ramadaan

The Muslim in Ramadaan
Q: What should we say to the Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadaan?. Read more (The Muslim in Ramadaan) The Meaning Of Ramadan ... more

Are You Prepared for Death?

Are You Prepared for Death?
Death is like a journey to a land from which there is no return. So before you die, be sure to pack three things to take along with you on the journey:Proper identification (I.D.) [Book of Record of a ... more

Muslims Protest Against Denmark

Muslims Protest Against Denmark
  To whom it may concern: Peace be upon those who follow the true guidance I have reviewed what some of the news agencies dealt with concerning the Danish news agency Jyllands-Posten and what h ... more

Christmas - For Muslims??

Christmas - For Muslims??
What is this - Christmas?The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass". Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian relig ... more

The Deen of Islam

The Deen of Islam
Islam is the Deen which Alaah has sent Mohammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam)with; Allaah made it the last of religions and perfected it for His creation; He made it a completion of His Favors upon t ... more

Contemplations with Iceland Volcano

Contemplations with Iceland Volcano
Dust clouds from only one volcano strike a whole continent with terror and fear, paralyze its aviation movement, so how will be the matter if many volcanoes erupt? This matter really is worth contem ... more
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00:00:00 Time to
20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
Fajr 00:00 Dhuhr 00:00 Asr 00:00 Maghrib 00:00 Isha 00:00

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