Description of wudoo'

Since 2003-07-01
Description of wudoo'

 Being Muslim, being of sound mind, having reached the age of discernment and having the intention of doing wudoo'. Wudoo' is not valid on the part of a kaafir, an insane person, a small child who has not yet reached the age of discernment or one who does not have the intention of doing wudoo' because his intention is to cool himself down, for example. The water must also be pure (taahir), for impure (naajis) water cannot be used for wudoo'. One must also remove anything that could prevent water from reaching the skin and nails, such as nail polish.

It is prescribed to say Bismillaah according to the majority of scholars, but they differ as to whether it is obligatory or Sunnah. If one remembers to say it, it may be said either at the beginning of wudoo' or during it.

There is no difference between men and women in the way wudoo' should be done.

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