Various Scholars
Views: 19,103
Various Scholars
Since 2020-12-03
Various Scholars
Since 2020-12-03
Various Scholars
Since 2020-10-13
Various Scholars
Since 2020-08-20
Various Scholars
Since 2020-06-26
Introduction to the Qur'an
In the Introduction to The Qur'an, the distinguished Islamic scholar M.A. Draz, one of the Muslim world’s most erudite authorities of this century, sets out ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2020-06-13
Various Scholars
Since 2020-05-02
Various Scholars
Since 2020-05-01
The Qur'an: An Eternal Challenge
This book is unique in its approach to the Qur'an. It argues the point that only God could author such a book and that Muhammad could have never produced anything like ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2020-04-17
The Effects of Fasting on Health and Immunity

There are several types of fasting that have been recently adopted in western countries for therapeutic purposes. However, Islamic fasting in general and Ramadan Fasting in particular have been a ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2020-04-14
Various Scholars
Since 2020-04-08
Al_Tawhid_Its Implication for Thought and Life
As such, his concept of tawhid is rich in the depth of its erudition, abundant in its perception, and direct in its implications for life and thought. Indeed, it is perhaps this work more than any other that reflects the profound and original thought of Dr. al-Faruqi. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2020-04-04
Stay Home...Stay Safe...Prophetic Instructions in the Time of Plague
عن عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه قال: قُلتُ: يا رسولَ اللهِ، ما النَّجاةُ؟ قال: املِكْ عليك لِسانَكَ، ولْيَسَعْكَ بَيتُكَ، وابْكِ على خَطيئتِكَ.Narrated by Uqbah bin Amer, May Allah be pleased with him, I ... more