What should be said at distress?

We are talking here about what is permissible for a Muslim to say when he is inflicted by a calamity in himself, his children, money or something of the like. ... more

The news shall come to you by the one whom you have given no provision

Examples, which are based on experiences, are full of entertainment for man, add some wisdom to his actions and behavior, and keep him away from rashness and recklessness. ... more

Story of the Man who Borrowed one Thousand Dinars

It implies the permissibility of telling about the wonderful events that occurred to Bani Isra'eel and the like so that people may be get admonished. ... more

A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole

A believer should be careful in all his affairs, so no one should be able to trick him twice. ... more

The Spiritual Cure

An explanation to Surah al-Fatihah ... more

Stories of the Qur'an

1. The Story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain)2. Harut and Marut3. Dwellers of the Town4. Story of the Heifer5. Moses and AI-Khadir6. The Story of Qarun (Korah)7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba)8. The Story ... more

Stories of New Muslims

The aim of this book is to give the non-Muslim individuals a genuine opportunity to share the New Muslims their experiences when they genuinely had an access to authentic Islam. ... more

“Never! By Allah, Allah Will Never Disgrace You!”

By these great words, the Mother of Faithful Believers, Khadijah, strengthened the heart of the Messenger of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, when he talked to her about the angel that descended to him in the Cave of Hira'. ... more

God is Love

Frequently, Christians say to me that “God is Love”, as if the God I know and love is not a loving God. They couldn’t be more wrong, because Allah says: { وَهُوَ الْغَفُورُ الْوَدُودُ } 'Translation'{He (Allah) is the All-Forgiving, the All-Loving} [ Al-Burooj: 14]. One of the 99 names of Allah is “Al-Wadoud” (the All-Loving). So, when they tell me that Allah is not a loving God, I am confident to correct them stating that Allah is the MOST loving. ... more

10 Reasons Why Islam is the Religion of Truth

When Islam started in Mecca, it was the prophet Mohammed by himself. A one man religion. He was exposed to punishments and oppression. The people who first entered Islam were weak and also were oppressed and tortured by the pagans of Mecca (their relatives). Forward 23 years later to see the transformation of these uneducated powerless individuals to the most powerful ones and to control the world. ... more