
In researching music, references to it in the Quraan and in the sunnah of our beloved Prophet, its non-permissibility is obvious. We shall start with the verses: ... more

Interaction between Men and Women on the Internet: Some Guidelines

The following guidelines should be observed by Muslim men and women when interacting with one another on the Internet. ... more

My First Steps in Islam

Indeed a true Muslim feels great joy when someone accepts Islam, for he wishes well for others and wants them to live as he does himself: a life of comfort and delight with spiritual joy and mental stability. This can only result from implementing the teachings of Islam. This is what mentioned in this book. Written by: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha ... more

The Moderate Religion

This compilation was adapted from the third section of a Ph.D thesis which was published under the title ‘Wasatiyyah ahl Sunnah bayna al Firaq’ (Moderation of Ahl- Sunnah between the Sects) by Dr. Muhammad Ba’kareem Muhammad Ba’Abdullah, a professor in the Islamic University of Madinah, KSA. I translated some of the third section of the book entitled ‘Moderation of the Muslims between extremism and negligence. ... more

The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

The nature of the miracles performed at the hands of prophets. The splitting of the moon, and the Prophet’s journey to Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven. A mention of other various miracles of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him. Written by: Imam Ibn Kathir ... more

The Delight of the Heart

The Book of Allah to mankind's guidance, is like the soul in relation to the body. Therefore, he who abandons its recitation and does not act in accordance to its laws is in a state of spiritual death. ... more

Promises, Promises

As Muslims, our word should be our bond, and if we make promises, then we should also make sure that we keep them, for Allah says, "...Surely every promise shall be questioned about." [17:39] ... more

New Muslims Guide to Hajj and Umrah

This is a gift for all the new Muslims who currently know the right path to Allah. This is a means to strength and preserve their belief. Going for Hajj or Umrah? Want a simple and straightforward guide to help you through? The aim and purpose of this book is to enable easy performance of Hajj and Umrah. The text has been written in simple terms with all rituals explained in a very straight forward manner with the occasional simple diagram. No complicated references, variations or detailed explanations. Just a very simple guide! ... more

AL’I’TIBBA’A (following) and The Principles of Fiqh of the Righteous Predecessors

This book is an English translation of the book ‘Al‘I’tibaa’a and the Principles of ‘Fiqh’ of the Righteous Predecessors’ by the great noble scholar, professor sheikh Wasiullah ibn Muhammad Abaas, may Allah preserve him and raise his status in this world and the next. Written by: Wasiyyollah ibn Muhammad ‘Abbaas ... more

Benefits from Surah al-'Asr

By Abu Abdis Salaam

All Praises are due to Allaah, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allaah be showered upon the Noble Messenger.

To Proceed:

Allaah says in Soorah al-'Asr:

"By the 'Asr,
Indeed all of mankind is in a state of loss,
Except those who have eemaan,
Conduct ...

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Shoora and Democracy: A Conceptual Analysis

Can a country that abides by the principle of shoora constrained by Islamic values be described as democratic? ... more

Islamic Viewpoint on Racism (Bilal the Abyssinian – One Light, Many Colours)

Truth is the enemy of hypocrisy. This latest work by Dr. al-Sheha, in casting light on the exemplary, humble life of Bilal ibn Rabah (r), honorable friend of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), lends itself to the continuing global dialogue to uphold the dynamic elements of the world’s fastest growing religion, and breathes life into the idea of piety as an achievable way of life. written by: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha ... more