Lofty Aspirations (Uluww al Himmah)

A talk delivered by Shaykh Haytham al-Haddad discussing the importance of having high aspirations coupled with knowledge. Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous [al-Qur'an 3:133]

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New Muslims.. Future steps

What new Muslims need to do to be true followers of Islam?

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Hijrah... Time To Make Tracks

In Order to raise your kids in islam, tou have to make hijra to one of the islamic communities; so as to protect them from the bad manners, adultery, drugs, etc in the disbelievers communities...

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Aim High & Don't Belittle Yourself

A believer doesn't settle for a second place. A believer is not satisfied with mediocrity. A believer is never content with just enough. Don't limit yourself. Sulaiman (as), a prophet, a king, son of a king and son of a prophet, didn't stop there, instead he asked Allah for a unique kingdom that no one else will have after him. Musa (as), one of the greatest 5 messengers of Allah, brother of a Prophet, and one who spoke to Allah directly, didn't stop there, instead he aimed higher and asked to see Allah with his eyes. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws), and we all know the status of our Prohpet (saws), requested his Ummah to ask Allah to grant him a place in Paradise that is only reserved for one person, at the peak of Paradise. Umar ibn AbdulAziz (r) one of the greatest and successful leaders in history, said on his death bed: "I have a soul that always aims high." Abu Bakr (r) upon hearing about the gates of Paradise, asked the Prophet (saws) if it's possible for a person to be invited to enter from all gates of Paradise. Showing us the high determination and mentality of the companions of the Prophet (saws). Jumuah Khutbah delivered on the 30th of July 2010 by shaykh Said Rageah at Green Lane Masjid, Birmingham UK.

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Prophet's (pbuh) advice to Muaadh

Mu'adh ibn Jabal, one of the companions who accepted Islam from Madina, from the tribe of Khazraj. He was one who the Prophet (saws) gave special responsibilities, especially in the area of da'wah. He is well known for the hadith of the call to Tawheed where the Prophet (saws) sent him to Yemen as the governor, judge, teacher of Yemen and told him that you're coming to a people from the people of the book and the first thing that you should call them to is the oneness, unique oneness of Allah. If they accept that, then inform them that Allah has made obligatory on them five daily prayers and so on and so forth. Here we're going to be looking at another occasion in which the Prophet (saws) gave Mu'adh a special message. A message which Mu'adh conveyed to the Ummah as a whole. This message contained a special du'a which the Prophet (saws) taught him and on the basis of which the Prophet (saws) expressed his great love for Mu'adh.

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00:00:00 Time to
26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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