Category: Education and the Muslim family

All About Worship-Sajid Umar

The advices shared in ‘All about Worship’ dealt with the pillars and conditions that are incumbent upon a believer for our worship to be accepted.

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Save Your Family From Shaitan

A great advice to drive Muslims to follow the teachings of Islam to save their family from evils and devils.

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Leadership Begins at Home- Sajid Umar

Home is the origin of leadership. Recognize leadership pillars and how it could be achieved from the very beginning at home.

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Personal Awakening Equals Ummah Awakening

The responsibility of every Muslim is so vital to contribute to success for the whole Ummah.

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High Aspirations- Sajid Umar

This inspirational lecture spoke on the importance of aiming for the best in whatever we do, for being the best is a trait of the believer and excellence in all that we do is a minimum requirement. Sheikh Sajid advises towards being a person of substance and that we ‘aspire to inspire’ in all that we do.

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