Her husband will not let their children visit their kaafir grandparents

Since 2015-01-07

My husband and my family do not get along, they are not muslim, although I have invited them many times, nor do they understand Islam.  My husband wants to prevent my parents from seeing my children because he feels they have cursed Allah, although they have not done so.  Is this allowed?


We asked our shaykh, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen, about a woman who says, my parents are kaafirs and my husband will not let the children see them. Does he have any right to do that?

 He answered, may Allah preserve him, as follows: "He does not have that right, but she should be tactful with him. It should be said to the husband that if there is no danger to the children's religious commitment, he should not stop them (from seeing their grandparents). And he can be on the safe side by going with his children when they visit their grandparents".

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen.

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