Her parents are objecting to her marriage

I embraced Islam -praise be to Allah- and now I want to keep myself chaste, but my parents think that the most suitable age of marriage is not until twenty-five or preferably twenty-eight. Even worse than that, one of them thinks that there is nothing wrong with friendship and relationships outside of marriage - Allah forbid. The matter is extremely difficult and I do not know how to talk to them about this matter. I want to keep myself chaste; I want to marry a man who will help me to adhere to my religion, a man who will stand beside me and help me, a man who will live with me, because I am living far away from my parents. They are divorced and each one lives in a different city. I do not know how to explain these details to them in order to convince them that I should get married early; rather they think that getting married at an early age is something that is not appropriate. I am the only daughter of my parents, hence I do not want to disobey them and I do not want to upset them; I do not want them to forsake me either. I want at least to do the marriage contract, then delay consummation until Allah wills.

My questions are:

1. Is it permissible for me to do the marriage contract but delay marriage and the waleemah (wedding feast) and consummation for five years, for example?

2.  Do I have to repeat the marriage contract in front of my family later on and pretend that I was not married? Or is that regarded as coming under the heading of lying? I hope you can advise me because I do not know what to do.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: We congratulate you for embracing Islam and we ask Allah to make you steadfast in it and to guide your parents and your family to Islam, for He is the Most Generous. Secondly: If a woman becomes Muslim but her family do not, they do not have any ... Continue Reading

If a female has an orgasm without intercourse

If a female has an orgasm without intercourse, is she required to perform ghusl before she can say her prayers?
Praise be to Allaah.  If maniy (fluid emitted at the point of climax) comes out of a woman without intercourse, she has to do ghusl. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded women to do ghusl if they notice water (fluid), as was reported by Maalik in al-Muwatta’ ... Continue Reading

When is it permissible for a person to pray sitting in obligatory prayers?

In order for a person to be allowed to sit during the obligatory prayers, is it essential that he should be completely unable to stand? Or is it also permissible for a person who is able to stand, but it is possible that it may lead to harm? What is the definition of the inability that makes it permissible to sit during the prayer and not stand, without that incurring sin or punishment?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:   Standing during prayer is an obligatory pillar which cannot be omitted. It is not permissible for anyone to pray sitting unless he is unable to stand, or standing is very difficult for him, or he is sick and there is the fear that his sickness may become ... Continue Reading

The proper way to make du’aa’ during prayer

I would like to know the proper way to make du’aa’ during prayer, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did it. Is it after the prayer or between the two prostrations or whilst standing or when?.

Praise be to Allaah.   Firstly:  Note that there is not one particular part of the prayer when du’aa’ should be offered, rather there are several parts of the prayer where the scholars have stated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ... Continue Reading

He had a wet dream but he did not do ghusl because it was very cold

I was once sleeping in the afternoon after taking lunch. i had erotic dreams & sufferred from nocturnal ejactulation. when the adhan for assar was being given , i woke up. s it was very cold i could not take a bath. i washed the semen off from my pants, did taimyum and continued with my asaar prayers. did i do the right thing? is it necessary to take a bath after having a wet dream or is it suffficeient to wash off the semen & do wadoo to become clean. In fact in view of the cold i tokk bath only after a few days, & contined to perform salat all these days using the same garment. i hope i have put the problem before u lucidly
Praise be to Allaah.  It is the mercy of Allaah towards His slaves that the obligation to do certain duties no longer applies when one is unable to do them, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope” [al-Baqarah ... Continue Reading

Is it possible to see Allaah in this world?

I have read that no man has seen Allah (S) in this life, not even the prophet (SM) in his mira'j. The book has been written by Sk. Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips. Now, I have heard from one scholar from my country that Imam Malik saw Allah (S) hundred times in his dream. Is that possible? May Allah (S) reward you.
Praise be to Allaah.Seeing Allaah in reality (as opposed to in a dream) is not possible in this life, although no doubt it will happen after death. This is not because seeing Him is impossible in itself, but because Allaah has willed that it should not happen. This is for many reasons, some of ... Continue Reading

Du’aa’ of the fasting person when breaking his fast

What is the du’aa’ that we should say when breaking our fast?.
Praise be to Allaah.  ‘Umar said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say when breaking his fast: “Dhahaba al-zama’ wa abtalat al-‘urooq wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allaah (Thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is ... Continue Reading

The authors of the Six Books

Who are the authors of the Six Books, and are there any da’eef (weak) ahaadeeth in their books?
Praise be to Allaah.  The authors of the Six Books are:  1-     Imam al-Bukhaari 2-     Imam Muslim 3-     Imam Abu Dawood 4-     Imam al-Tirmidhi 5-     Imam al-Nasaa’i ... Continue Reading

Role of Parents Towards Living in a Corrupt Society

A very common problem seen in youth in western countries is that their parents allow them to indulge in some form of haram in the hope that will stop them from committing worse haram. An example of this is that parents will say that they allow their children to indulge in music in the hope that will stop them from going out with bad people or leaving their home all together. Parents are afraid that if they enforce the law of Allah in their homes, that their children will leave. 

What is Islam's position on this sort of compromise? Some parents also say that they only have the duty to tell their children something is haram, and then their children have to choose for themselves because they are already young adults (i.e. 13 -18 years old and unmarried, living at home). Don't the parents have to forbid haram by all means, or do they just say that is haram and then leave them be? To what extent do parents have to go to forbid their children from haram?

Parents also believe that once their children reach the age of puberty they are no longer responsible for their sins or actions, and so say they will have no sin if they advise their children something is haram and then leave them. Is this true? Or do parents always have the responsibility of forbidding their children from haram, and will they be responsible if they see their children doing haram and just leave them after advising them?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: The success or failure of the Muslim in raising his children depends on a variety of factors, which undoubtedly includes the environment in which they live, which plays a major role in the success or failure of that upbringing. Secondly: The parents have ... Continue Reading

Did everyone on earth drown at the great Flood at the time of Nooh (peace be upon him)?

Did everyone on earth – apart from those who were with Nooh on board the ark – drown when Allah sent the flood? Can everyone who is on earth now be regarded as descendants of those who were on board the ark (ship)?


Praise be to Allah The clear text of the Qur’an indicates that everyone who was on earth drowned in the flood, and no humans or animals were saved except those whom Nooh took with him on board the ark.  Allah, may He be exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning): “And We ... Continue Reading

He did ghusl with the intention of doing it for Jumu‘ah and he forgot about doing it for janaabah; did it remove his impurity?

There is a person who was in a state of janaabah and he wanted to do ghusl for janaabah, but he said: I shall wait until the time for Jumu‘ah comes, then I will do one ghusl for both Jumu‘ah and janaabah. That was after Fajr prayer. But when the time for Jumu‘ah came, he did ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgot to intend to do ghusl for janaabah. Then he prayed for an entire day, until Zuhr on Saturday, and he led the people in praying Zuhr. Then after Zuhr he remembered. Was his prayer and the prayer of the people valid? Should he tell the people about that?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:  It is better for the one who is in a state of janaabah to hasten to do ghusl lest he forget. This has been discussed previously in the answer to question no. 20847 Secondly:  If a person does ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgets about being ... Continue Reading

How to serve Islam

I want to serve my Religion, what should I do?

Praise be to Allaah.  1 – You can serve Islam by having a correct resolve and sincere intention, for Allaah the Almighty blesses an action that is done sincerely for His sake alone, even if it is little. Sincere devotion, if it becomes a constant feature of acts of worship and obedience, ... Continue Reading
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2 Muharram 1446
Fajr 00:00 Dhuhr 00:00 Asr 00:00 Maghrib 00:00 Isha 00:00

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