Dealing With Children Who are Heedless About Prayer

I want to make my children keen to pray, because they will pray once then forget about prayer many times. I always advise them and pray to Allah to guide them. How can I encourage them and make them love prayer?.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: There is no doubt that prayer is very important and is the most important matter in Islam, as it is the  foundation of religion, the means of success and a sign of piety (taqwa). It is the first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of ... Continue Reading

Dhikr and the Muslim Child

How can we teach our children the adhkaar (words of remembrance) to be recited every day and night?

Praise be to Allah.  A child can be taught, from the age of three or four, the adhkaar to be recited in the morning and evening, and when going to sleep, eating and drinking. If a child hears these adhkaar, and memorizes and recites them, this will form a strong bond between his soul and ... Continue Reading

Why do the Muslims not celebrate the birthday of ‘Eesa (Jesus-peace be upon him) as they celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?

If the Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), why do they not celebrate the birthday of the Prophet of Allah ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)? Is he not a Prophet who was sent from Allah, may He be glorified and exalted? I heard this idea from someone, and I know that Christmas and the celebration thereof is haraam, but I want an answer to this question. May Allah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: Believing in ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) as a Prophet and Messenger who was sent by Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to the Children of Israel is part of believing in Allah and His Messengers. No one's faith is valid unless he believes in all of the ... Continue Reading

Evidence of the Existence of God, and the Wisdom Behind His Creation

A non-Muslim friend of mine asked how I could prove the existence of God and why He has given us life, and what its purpose is?
My answer did not satisfy him, please tell me what I should tell him?

Praise be to AllahMy dear Muslim brother, your efforts to call people to Allah and explain the reality of Allah's existence make us very happy. Finding out about Allah is in tune with the sound fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and with sound reasoning. How many there are who, once the truth ... Continue Reading

One who lives among people who commit shirk

A man lives within a community that commits shirk (polytheism) by appealing for help from other than Allah. Is he allowed to pray with them with their leading the prayer? Is it obligatory to abandon them? Is their Shirk considered shirk al-akbar (great and serious act of disbelief by associating other beings with Allah's supremacy)? Is alliance with them treated the same as alliance with true non-believers?

If the condition of those with whom you live is as you mentioned, appealing for help from other than Allah, such as appealing for help from the dead and the non-living or the trees or stones or planets and the like, then they are committing the greatest shirk which causes expulsion from ... Continue Reading

He is asking about al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah?

What is al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah? What is it about?

Praise be to Allaah. al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah is a book dealing with ‘aqeedah (basic tenets of faith) which was written by Imam al-Tahhaawi and named after him. Discussing this ‘aqeedah means that we must look at it from a number of ... Continue Reading

Sending blessings and peace upon the Prophets, and praying for Allah’s pleasure, mercy and safety for others


What is customary is for us to say “Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him (sall Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)” specifically for our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him); is it permissible to offer this supplication with this wording for other Prophets? Who are the only ones for whom the following phrases are to be used: may Allah be pleased with him (radiya Allahu ‘anhu), may Allah have mercy on him (rahimahu Allah), may Allah keep him safe (sallamahu Allah)? Is it permissible to offer supplication for a great scholar who strove all his life to call people to Allah and His Messenger, such as Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz and other, similar contemporary scholars, when they die, by saying “may Allah be pleased with him” or “peace be upon him”?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:Offering supplication by saying “Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him (sall Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)” is not only for our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him); rather it may be said for all the Prophets (blessings and ... Continue Reading

Declaring shahaadah and performing salaat for a new non-Arabic speaking Muslim

I have read the many pages of your web site that instructs a non-believer. I believe that there is only Allah (one God). Ibelieve that Muhammed is the seal of the prophets. History bears this out. My question is: How do I declare this (shahadah) if I do not speak arabic?  How do I perform the five daily prayers (salah) without understanding arabic? Finally would I have to change my name?

Praise be to Allaah.To the dear inquirer: I welcome you with a warm greeting. I was besieged with great joy as I discovered your question while browsing through the ten questions which arrived during the past hour today, and it was the dearest question for me. This fact is not surprising, as how ... Continue Reading


I have committed many sins which no one knows of except Allaah. What do I have to do so that Allaah will accept my repentance?

Praise be to Allaah. A Muslim’s faith may become weak and he may be overwhelmed by his desires. The Shaytaan may make sin attractive to him, so he wrongs himself (commits sin) and falls into that which Allaah has forbidden. But Allaah is Kind to His slaves, and His mercy encompasses all ... Continue Reading

Why God Created Mankind

According to the Quran and/or Islamic traditions, why did God create mankind?

Praise be to AllahAllah created the jinn (type of spiritual creatures) and mankind to worship Him alone, to obey His commands and heed His prohibitions. Allah says [in the Quran] (interpretation of the meaning):{And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me ... Continue Reading

The Qur’aan was revealed by Allaah, not created

Can you recommend a book in english that explains what it really means that the Qu'ran is not a creation; and what we should believe in as Muslims?

Praise be to Allaah.What we Muslims are obliged to believe is that which has come to us from Allaah, and that which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has told us. Allaah has told us that He speaks, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):{And who is truer in ... Continue Reading

Description of how to do ghusl for major impurity

How is major ablution done? There are differences of opinion in a number of madhhabs, so who should I follow?
How did the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) to minor and major ablution?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:You do not have to follow a particular madhhab; rather you have to ask a scholar whom you trust, one who is famous among the people for his knowledge and virtue, then follow the religious rulings that he explains to you. It does not matter if there are differences ... Continue Reading
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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