Reading Qur'aan during menses

Is it permissible to read Qur'aan while a women is having mensus (periods)?

Praise be to Allah.This is one of the issues on which the scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, differed.The majority of fuqahaa' say that it is haraam for a woman to recite Qur'aan during her period, until she is taahir (pure) again. The only exceptions they make is in the case of dhikr ... Continue Reading

Should she end her relationship with some kaafir women or use the opportunity for da’wah?

I am a woman who corresponds with some European and American women via the internet. We have been exchanging gifts and discussing sewing ideas for two years. I have tried to talk to them about Islam, but I stopped for fear that I do not know enough to call them to Islam and I might make some mistakes. What do you advise me to do, should I cut off my ties with them altogether or should I carry on with the aim of calling them to Islam despite the difficulties? and how should I begin? Is this relationship regarded as friendship, and what is the Islamic ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: It is not permissible for a Muslim man or woman to take a male or female friend who is not a Muslim, because Allah has forbidden us to love the kuffaar or take them as close friends and companions, as He says: {لَا تَجِدُ قَوْمًۭا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ ... Continue Reading

What to do With Forbidden Items after Repentance

I have repented. But in my possession are some forbidden things such as musical instruments, cassettes, films, etc. Is it permissible for me to sell them, particularly since they are worth a large amount?

Praise be to AllahSale of such banned articles is not permissible in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: «When Allah forbids a thing, then He forbids its price (as well)» i.e., its sale/purchase/trading (Abu Dawood, and it is authenti).Also, you know ... Continue Reading

The virtue of fasting six days of Shawwaal

What is the ruling on fasting six days of Shawwaal? Is it waajib (obligatory)?

Praise be to Allaah. Fasting six days of Shawwaal after the obligatory fast of Ramadaan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not waajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwaal, and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for ... Continue Reading

The Muslim in Ramadaan

What should we say to the Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadaan?.

Praise be to Allaah.   Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  “The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’aan, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent ... Continue Reading

A Catholic woman promised Allah that she would not get married if Allah forgave her sins, then she became Muslim

I must say that I'm a revert, Alhamdullila, that I was raised as a catholic and that I was very ungrateful to my Rabb before Islam. Since I was a little kid I was mischievous and often committed sin. After one particularly grave sin, and I asked Allah Subhana wa ta'ala (even thought I was a kaaffir I prayed to Allah azza wa jalla and not Jesus, peace be upon him) to have mercy on me, and I promised Him not to marry if He forgave me. Now that I'm Muslim, Alhamdulillah, I protect my chastity. I know the importance of marriage and the protection it offers a sister, and I wish I could get married in the future to a righteous brother (insha'Allah) so I could learn from him and also to be a comfort for him. But I don't know if I'm excused of not fulfilling my promise to Allah in this matter or if a woman who used to be so wicked could aspire to marry a righteous man.

Praise be to Allah. The best thing we can do is start by focusing on the last part of your question in this brief answer. That is where you wonder whether a woman like you who had committed various kinds of sins and now wants to marry a righteous man can do so. This is according to what you ... Continue Reading

Ruling on learning recitation and tajweed of Qur’an by means of an electronic pen

There is a Quran out which is called "Quran pen reader 9" which helps you better your tajweed and you can listen to different reciters and when you press the Quran with the pen they give it says it out loud the verse you have pressed and you can pick different reciters so you can remember it and correct your tajweed and the Quran it self has interactive buttons on the side like e.g tafsir of the ayah ,which qari you want to chose ,change the level of volume and pick which language you want etc
I wanted to know do I still read this Quran like a normal Quran and will I get the same reward of reading this then a normal one were this one helps me correct my mistakes and makes me understand the Quran more and it is the full Quran with just it being interactive and I was thinking will this be a sort of bidah? But theres more benefit in this as I have mensioned everything this does for the improvement of understand and correct my tajweed and knowledge in the Quran ?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  There is no kind of bid‘ah (innovation) in the program mentioned, in sha Allah, because this is a new educational means in which there is nothing contrary to Islam, that helps one learn how to read Qur’an correctly and helps one to memorise ... Continue Reading

Ruling on dealing with mortgages in a non-Muslim country

Perhaps my question has been asked many times before. It is about mortgages in non-Muslim countries. We live in a western society and we live in rented accommodation so as to avoid riba. Recently we found out that there are no houses for rent, and 96% of the market is based on mortgages. All houses are offered for sale only. Some of them told me that in this situation it is permissible for me to  buy a house by means of a mortgage and, moreover, it is possible to get the mortgage in the name of family insurance, so that the individual does not pay riba or a mortgage; rather it is paid by the insurance. Is it permissible to get a mortgage in the name of the family insurance, in such a way that you and other trustees or borrowers are not dealing directly with the bank and the lawyer takes care of dealing with the mortgage on your behalf?
I hope that you can advise me as to whether that is permissible or not.

Praise be to Allaah. A mortgage is a haraam riba-based transaction that is based on a loan with interest in which the owner of the money takes as collateral the property for the purchase of which the borrower is taking out the loan, until the debt has been paid off along with the interest ... Continue Reading

He did ghusl with the intention of doing it for Jumu‘ah and he forgot about doing it for janaabah; did it remove his impurity?

There is a person who was in a state of janaabah and he wanted to do ghusl for janaabah, but he said: I shall wait until the time for Jumu‘ah comes, then I will do one ghusl for both Jumu‘ah and janaabah. That was after Fajr prayer. But when the time for Jumu‘ah came, he did ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgot to intend to do ghusl for janaabah. Then he prayed for an entire day, until Zuhr on Saturday, and he led the people in praying Zuhr. Then after Zuhr he remembered. Was his prayer and the prayer of the people valid? Should he tell the people about that?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:  It is better for the one who is in a state of janaabah to hasten to do ghusl lest he forget. This has been discussed previously in the answer to question no. 20847 Secondly:  If a person does ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgets about being ... Continue Reading
Fatawa Since 2014-05-08

Delaying the Fajr prayer until the morning twilight appears

Assalaam O Aliekum. Fajr Salat at the mosques in my locality start 30 mins before sunrise, and redishness in the furthermost eastern horizon is clearly visible. Is this indicative of the expiry of the time for Fajr? Would I be better off, offering Salat a little earlier without congregation at home?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, is His slave and Messenger.The time of the Fajr prayer ends only when the sun rises. As regards the appearance of the morning twilight and the spread of light, ... Continue Reading

One should not exaggerate in cleaning oneself after relieving oneself

I have a serious problem when purifying myself from major impurity, because I purify myself with a little water, then I wipe myself sometimes 21 times and sometimes more than that, yet I still see traces, which makes me purify myself again with water. Hence I spend a long time in the washroom in order to cleanse myself, which has damanged my health. What is your opinion? Is there a specific number of times for wiping oneself in order to become pure?.

Praise be to Allaah.Firstly:The phrase major impurity applies to janaabah (impurity following sexual activity), menses and nifaas (postpartum bleeding). The way to purify oneself from that is: the woman should start by cleaning her private parts, then makes the water reach all parts of her body. ... Continue Reading

Differences between semen (maniy) and urethral fluid (madhiy)

Some times when i wake up in the morning, i find some wet coming out. Please don't take it as a wet dream, or urine, becuase the sticky stuff comes out usually just after i have woken up in the morning. Most of the days i have to wash my under wear just becasue of that, and sometimes i wash my pants too.

I read it somewhere that if its not semen, just that sticky stuff than we don't need to perform ghusl, and only wuzu is enough to offer prayers. If it is then what about the clothes?. The same stuff comes out during some salacious situations also, though i try to stay away from all that kind of stuff.

The first difference: qualitiesSemen in the case of men is a thick, white liquid, and in the case of women it is thin and yellow. (Translator’s note: the word maniy is used to refer to the fluid secreted by either male or female at the time of orgasm).The source for these descriptions of ... Continue Reading
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25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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