The meaning of al-Rahman & al-Rahim

What is the difference in meaning between Allah's names al-Rahman and al-Rahim?

Sheikh Salman al-Oadah   The name al-Rahmân, like the name Allah, is used only for Allah. No one else may be called by this name. Allah and al-Rahmân are His exclusive names. This is why Allah says: “Call upon Allah or call upon al-Rahmân; by whichever name you ... Continue Reading

Allah and the pronoun 'He'

Why is Allah always reffered as 'He'? I ask this because my teacher in class raised this issue.

The Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî Allah says: “He created the pairs, male and female.” [Sûrah al-Najm: 45]Allah is the Creator of both sexes. We do not attribute being male or being female to Allah. We only ... Continue Reading

Meaning of laa ilaaha illa Allah Muhammadun rasool ullah

What is the meaning of the words “laa ilaahah illa allaah muhammadun rasool ullaah”?
Bearing witness “laa ilaahah illa allah” and that “muhammadun rasool ullaah” is the first pillar of the five pillars of Islam. And the meaning of “laa ilaahah illa allah” is that nothing worshipped is worthy of worship except Allah—it is simultaneously a ... Continue Reading

Will he be rewarded for listening to the Qur’aan without understanding it?

Will a person (a believer) be rewarded if he listens to the Qur’aan without understanding what he is listening to, but he knows that it is Qur’aan? Or will he not be rewarded unless he understands what he is hearing? I hope you could give some evidence from the Qur’aan and saheeh hadeeth.

Praise be to Allaah.Firstly: Allah, may He be exalted, has commanded the believers to listen to the Qur’aan attentively, in a general command. Allah says:  {وَإِذَا قُرِئَ الْقُرْآنُ فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ وَأَنْصِتُوا لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ}  'Translation': {So, when the ... Continue Reading

Definition and Ruling on Gheebah (Backbiting)

What is the definition of gheebah and what is the ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Gheebah (backbiting, gossip) means that a person mentions the faults of his Muslim brother in his absence, which he would not like if he heard about it, when there is no need to mention them.When I say "mentions the faults of his brother", this excludes cases when ... Continue Reading

Evidence of the Existence of God, and the Wisdom Behind His Creation

A non-Muslim friend of mine asked how I could prove the existence of God and why He has given us life, and what its purpose is?
My answer did not satisfy him, please tell me what I should tell him?

Praise be to AllahMy dear Muslim brother, your efforts to call people to Allah and explain the reality of Allah's existence make us very happy. Finding out about Allah is in tune with the sound fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and with sound reasoning. How many there are who, once the truth ... Continue Reading

Declaring shahaadah and performing salaat for a new non-Arabic speaking Muslim

I have read the many pages of your web site that instructs a non-believer. I believe that there is only Allah (one God). Ibelieve that Muhammed is the seal of the prophets. History bears this out. My question is: How do I declare this (shahadah) if I do not speak arabic?  How do I perform the five daily prayers (salah) without understanding arabic? Finally would I have to change my name?

Praise be to Allaah.To the dear inquirer: I welcome you with a warm greeting. I was besieged with great joy as I discovered your question while browsing through the ten questions which arrived during the past hour today, and it was the dearest question for me. This fact is not surprising, as how ... Continue Reading

Showing disrespect to Allaah, may He be glorified, by of joking

My question deals with a friend of mine who was ignorantly joking. When my friend was teased by another friend he ignorantly picked up his phone out of joking and said I have to tell Allah. Then he said on the phone "Hello, Allah" as to tell Allah. I know this is incorrect but is this shirk?

Praise be to Allaah. Belief in Allaah is based on respect and veneration of Him and submission to Him. Hence Allaah criticized the kaafirs and stated that they associated others with Him because they did not make a just estimate of Allaah such as is due to Him, as He says (interpretation of ... Continue Reading

He said to his wife, “I am sorry that I am a Muslim”; has he apostatised by doing that and what is the ruling on his marriage?

I am a muslim by birth and I recently got married to a girl who had reverted to Islam. i am from india and many muslims here are very backward in their practices etc.. She was continously asking me questions about my relatives and why muslims are so backward etc.. I lost my temper and I am ashamed to say that in my anger I told her that I was sorry that I was a muslim. I immediately realised my mistake but I said what I said. I am terribly ashamed of myself for saying such a thing. Does this make me a apostate (kafir). I am a muslim and i truly believe in islam in all its glory. I am ashamed and sorry for what I said. Am i a kafir. Do i have to say the shahadah again? Is my nikah nullified as she is still a muslim. Do i have to do the nikah again. Please answer at the earliest. I am really sorry for beingsuch a bad muslim.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  The Muslims are not backward; rather the one who is backward is the one who worships idols, cows and rats. The one who is backward is the one who does not worship Allah, the One, the Almighty, and worships his own whims and desires, thus turning from a ... Continue Reading

Disturbed by Waswaas (Whispers from the Shaytaan) and evil thoughts

When I do Salah (formal prayers) or intend to do good deeds I often get very evil thoughts in my mind. When I concentrate in Salah, and try to focus on the meaning of the words, evil thoughts enter my mind, which make evil suggestions about everything including Allah. I feel very frustrated and angry about this. I know that none forgives sins except Allah alone, but because of my thoughts I feel that there is nothing worse than to have evil thoughts about Allah. After Salah I ask Allah's forgiveness, but feel very bad because I want to stop these evil thoughts, but I can't stop them. These thoughts spoil my enjoyment of Salah, and also make me feel as though I am doomed. Please advise me.

Praise be to Allah.  Evil whispers during prayer and at other times come from the Shaytaan, who is keen to misguide the Muslim and deprive him of good and keep it far away from him. One of the Sahaabah complained to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about ... Continue Reading

Description of how to do ghusl for major impurity

How is major ablution done? There are differences of opinion in a number of madhhabs, so who should I follow?
How did the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) to minor and major ablution?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:You do not have to follow a particular madhhab; rather you have to ask a scholar whom you trust, one who is famous among the people for his knowledge and virtue, then follow the religious rulings that he explains to you. It does not matter if there are differences ... Continue Reading

Is it necessary to do wudoo’ before doing ghusl for making oneself pure (tahaarah)

I would like to know if it's okay if i didn't make wudu after taking a bath???

Praise be to Allaah.If you are referring to the ritual bath of ghusl, then the answer is as follows:(Al-Bukhaari reported in [al-Saheeh 248]) from ‘Aa’ishah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did ghusl to purify himself from janaabah (impurity following ... Continue Reading
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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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