Enthusiasm when one first repents, followed by slackening off

When a person repents, he makes a vigorous start and says: "The Shaytaan is telling me to slow down", so he does more acts of worship. Then his enthusiasm cools down, and he says: "Allah does not burden any person beyond his scope", and his acts of worship become less until he goes back to the way he was. 

My question: What advice can you give? Should he make a vigorous start, or take a gradual approach until it is established and then add more after a while, or should he follow the saying: "When your wind blows, then make the most of it"?.

Praise be to Allah.The blessing of guidance and repentance is one of the greatest blessings that Allah can bestow upon the Muslim, whereby he changes himself for the better in ways that will bring him closer to Allah, may He be exalted. Usually the person who has repented starts to do acts of ... Continue Reading

Ruling on imitating the kuffaar, and the meaning of the phrase, “What the Muslims think is good is good before Allah”

What is the Islamic ruling on the issue of imitating the kuffaar in their customs and dealings? What are the guidelines concerning that in Islamic sharee'ah? Is every imitation of the actions of the kuffaar regarded as a haraam kind of imitation, knowing that there are many things that the kaafirs do that are not haraam and are not condemned by sharee'ah, where the one who does them does not do them merely to imitate the kuffaar, but because he thinks those things are good, as Ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "What the Muslims think is good is good before Allah"?  
Please advise us, may Allah honour you, and please give me a detailed answer and explain to me the guidelines on this matter.

Praise be to Allah.  Firstly: The Muslims have no need to imitate any of the other nations in matters of religious rituals and acts of worship, for Allah has perfected His religion and completed His Favour, and chosen for us Islam as our religion, as He says:  {ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ ... Continue Reading

The saheeh Sunnah is wahy (Revelation) from Allah

Firstly: I apologize for asking such a question, and so that there will be no room for doubt about my intention I will say that I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and I am completely content with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as my Prophet.   

I am asking about the Sunnah, because there are many reports of a single hadith. For example, we may find in Saheeh al-Bukhaari a hadith that appears in a form different than that in which it appears in Saheeh Muslim. Why isn't the Sunnah like the Holy Qur'aan? What is the difference between the Sunnah and the Holy Qur'aan? Is the Sunnah part of the Wahy that was revealed to the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or is it just his words and deeds? Is it one of the characteristics of Prophethood or what?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly:  It is essential that it be established in the mind and heart of every Muslim that the Sunnah; which is the words, deeds and approval that are attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), is one of the two parts of divine Revelation that ... Continue Reading

The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog)

Can you give us an idea about the Dajjaal, Al-Daabbah and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj?

Praise be to Allaah.There follows a brief description from the Qur’aan and Saheeh Sunnah narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about these three major signs that will precede the Hour and will come at the end of time just before the Day of Resurrection.The ... Continue Reading

A Jewish Woman Thinking About Embracing Islam

I have very difficult question and I think this is my only hope that you can help me to find the answer.
I am a Russian Jewish girl and I know this Muslim guy for over a year. The longer we know each other, the more problems and difficulties we face. Not in the religious or cultural ways. We love each other and there is an issue of whether he can marry me or not.
He is a very good Muslim and he comes from traditional family. I am very fond of his beliefs and beliefs of his family. I was born in a very agnostic country and couldn't be properly introduced into any religion. It was forbidden. When I came to the US I started my research on different religions and found out that my beliefs do not really match all Jewish sayings. I did a lot of research on Islam and by looking at him and a couple other Muslim boys and girls, and by reading Quaran, I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim. I want to go to school to learn the culture and religion more precisely, to learn the language. I contacted the mosque and was ready to go... but I faced the issue: would I be accepted as a Muslim sister like other people who came from different religions except Jewish? Jews and Muslims are in big contradictions and I know that friendship is almost impossible. I am praying to God (in my home language - Russian), to lead me the right way to achieve my beliefs.
Please, help me to find my answers

Praise be to Allaah. “I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim”. The way you express yourself so clearly in your message indicates that you are indeed open to the truth and have been sincerely seeking for it. “I am praying to God (in my home ... Continue Reading

Islam Erases the Sins that Came Before it

A brother of ours has recently become Muslim. During his days of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance – i.e., before he became Muslim), he earned a lot of money by dealing in drugs. He brought this money with him and opened a big bookstore and got married using this money. Recently he has been told that it is not permissible for him to give this money in charity, because Allaah is Good and only accepts that which is good, Our question is, what should he do with this money, and how sound is what he has been told?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:Praise be to Allaah Who has guided him to Islam. We ask Allaah to make him steadfast and to guide him to that which is good for him in this world and in the Hereafter. Secondly:By His grace and mercy, Allaah has caused Islam to destroy the sins that came ... Continue Reading

Who do Muslims worship?

Who do Muslims worship?

Praise be to Allaah Before answering, we would like to express our appreciation for your interest, at such a young age, in the religion of Islam. May Allaah open the door for you to find much blessing through your asking this question, and decree for you guidance such as you have never thought ... Continue Reading

Things that make ghusl obligatory

What are the things that make ghusl obligatory?.

Praise be to Allaah.The things that make ghusl obligatory are six things. If one of them happens then the Muslim has to do ghusl. 1- Emission of maniy (semen) from its exit in the male or female, which happens either when one is awake or when one is asleep. If it is emitted when one is awake, ... Continue Reading

Does the one who takes a shower to cool down have to do wudoo’ for prayer?

Is it Correct to pray without wadoo immedietly after coming from a normal bath.

Praise be to Allaah. It is mustahabb for a Muslim to do wudoo’ before ghusl, following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). If ghusl is done in cases of major impurity such as janaabah (impurity following sexual activity) and menstruation, and the ... Continue Reading

Is it necessary to do wudoo’ before doing ghusl for making oneself pure (tahaarah)

I would like to know if it's okay if i didn't make wudu after taking a bath???

Praise be to Allaah.If you are referring to the ritual bath of ghusl, then the answer is as follows:(Al-Bukhaari reported in [al-Saheeh 248]) from ‘Aa’ishah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did ghusl to purify himself from janaabah (impurity following ... Continue Reading

How to do ghusl from janaabah

How does one do ghusl (full ablution) to cleans oneself of janaabah (impurity following sexual activity)?


Praise be to Allaah.There are two kinds of ghusl from janaabah – sufficient and complete. Sufficient ghusl means that you rinse your mouth and nose, then you wash your entire body with water, even if that means plunging yourself into deep water in one go. Complete ghusl means ... Continue Reading

Seeking refuge from Satan when reciting the Quran

Is it necessary for someone to seek refuge from Satan before reading every chapter of the Qur’ân if he is reading more than one chapter in one sitting?

Sheikh `Umar al-Muqbil, professor at al-Imâm University You do not have to seek refuge from Satan upon arriving at each new chapter in your reading. You should say it when you begin reading. Allah says: “When thou dost read the Qur’ân, seek Allah’s protection ... Continue Reading
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25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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