Mother and child's rights over each other


I have a few questions concerning parents
1-What right does my Mother have over me?
2-What right do I have over my mother?


Praise be to Allaah.1 – The mother’s rights over her childThe mother has many major rights over her child. These rights are innumerable, but we may mention the following:(a) Love and respect, as much as possible, because she is the most deserving of people of her son’s good ... Continue Reading

How should we raise our children?

could you please advise us about how improve our manners, and raise our children to have good manners? As many of the scholars mentioned, they studied under their teachers for years to learn proper manners. I am very concerned because it seems that we are surrounded by bad examples and role models, and the standards of society are very low. I am a revert to Islam so I was not raised with good Islamic manners. I don't have the knowledge or training to be a very good role model. My childrens TV watching is very restricted, but they still interact with cousins and friends who pick up bad words and attitudes from TV. We also educate our children at home. But as much as we shelter them and instruct them, they seem to pick up some of the attitudes of the greater society. I am torn between whether I should continue trying to remain patient and remind them gently, or I should become more strict to enforce better behavior. We would really appreciate any advice that you could offer.

Praise be to Allah.We congratulate you for the blessing that has been bestowed upon you of guidance to Islam, and we ask Allah, may He be exalted, to make us and you steadfast in adhering to this religion until we meet Him when He is pleased with us. We also congratulate you for your keenness to ... Continue Reading

Her maternal uncle did her marriage contract in the presence of her brother without the knowledge of her father who does not pray

A young man proposed to a girl, but when the marriage contract was done, the girl’s father had a disagreement with his daughter’s fiancé, and refused to do the marriage contract. But the girl, her mother and her brother wanted the marriage to go ahead, so they left their house and rented an apartment, and they left the father who refused to do the marriage contract, and the marriage contract was done; the maternal uncle of the girl was the one who acted as her guardian (wali) in this marriage contract, in the presence of her brother. They argued that the father does not pray and they did not want him to be the wali of his daughter. How valid is this marriage contract?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  In order for the marriage contract to be valid, it is stipulated that it should be done by the woman’s wali (guardian) or wakeel (proxy), because of the hadeeth in which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is ... Continue Reading

Is it acceptable to use tissue only when cleaning oneself after defecating?

Is it sufficient to use tissue only when cleaning oneself after defecating, or is it essential to use water?.


Praise be to Allaah.After relieving oneself, it is obligatory to remove whatever najaasah (impurity) there is in that place, whether it is removed with water or something else, such as stones or paper or tissues, but using water is best.The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were ... Continue Reading

It is not permissible to congratulate the kuffaar on their festivals in any way whatsoever

What is the ruling on eating the food (rice, meat, chicken or cake) that is given to us by a Christian friend that he made for his birthday or for Christmas or the Christian New Year? What is your opinion on congratulating him by saying, "Insha Allaah you will continue to do well this year" so as to avoid saying Kull 'aam wa antum bi khayr (approx. "season's greetings") or "Happy New Year" etc?

Praise be to Allah.It is not permissible for a Muslim to eat things that the Jews and Christians make on their festivals, or what they give him as a gift on their festivals, because that is cooperating with them and joining in with them in this evil.It is not permissible for him to congratulate ... Continue Reading

If he does ghusl following a wet dream, maniy continues to come out of him during the prayer

May Allah reward you with good for answering my question, but I think that it needs further explanation of the issue of sprinkling hot water on the private part, because the wet dream occurred at the time of ‘Asr prayer, and I have a problem, which is that maniy and even madhiy continue to come out for a considerable period after they are first emitted. It often happens with me that one of them is emitted at the time of prayer, whether that is because of thinking or because of a wet dream, but in order not to miss the prayer, I sprinkle hot water (on my private part) so that whatever is left will come out. Please note that I do not feel any desire when I use this method. Now I am going to make up the fast of that day that I told you about, in sha Allah, but what should I do if maniy continues to come out whilst I am praying? Should I pray in that case?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  We appreciate this further explanation and we ask Allah, may He be exalted, to help us and you avoid reprehensible words and actions.  Secondly:  If it does not come out continually all the time, then it does not come under the ruling ... Continue Reading

Is the Qur'an for Arabs Only?

A Sikh friend of mine was given some literature to read. While reading it, he raised this objection: “You say that Allah speaks to the prophets and through these special people He sent a universal way of life for all mankind. The question is, why is such an important way of life prescribed in this one particular language [Arabic], which is used only in one particular geographic location? Why could not that Almighty Allah create one universal language for all of mankind so that all people could benefit from that equally? Arabic Qur'an is certainly beneficial for the Arabs only.”

By   Abul A`la Mawdudi / Mushfiqur RahmanHad your Sikh friend who raised this objection pushed his imagination a bit further, he could have also asked “Why did God not send a copy of the Qur'an directly to every human being? Since He is the Almighty, He could have done this ... Continue Reading

Evidence of the Existence of God, and the Wisdom Behind His Creation

A non-Muslim friend of mine asked how I could prove the existence of God and why He has given us life, and what its purpose is?
My answer did not satisfy him, please tell me what I should tell him?

Praise be to AllahMy dear Muslim brother, your efforts to call people to Allah and explain the reality of Allah's existence make us very happy. Finding out about Allah is in tune with the sound fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and with sound reasoning. How many there are who, once the truth ... Continue Reading

Uncertainty whilst making wudoo’

Sometimes it so happens that I forget whether I have wiped over my head or not, and I am not sure one way or the other. Should I do wudoo’ all over again?
Praise be to Allaah. If this uncertainty come after you have finished doing wudoo’, then do not pay any attention to it. If it happens before you finish, for example, being unsure whether you have wiped over your head and you are washing your feet, then you can wipe over your head and ... Continue Reading

How can we increase the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in our hearts?

How can one develop in their heart love of Prophet Muhammad more than anything else in the world?.

Praise be to Allaah.The strength of love for the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is connected to the Muslim’s faith. When his faith increases, his love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) increases. Loving the Prophet (peace and blessings of ... Continue Reading

Is there a Creator of this universe?

Do you think there is any evidence that the universe has been designed by an intelligent and powerful creator?
Praise be to Allaah.We thank you for your question, and would like to answer by quoting a number of aayaat (verses) from the Book of Allaah (the Qur’aan – the scripture of Islam), then you can think to yourself about the matter and if the truth becomes clear to you, you will have no ... Continue Reading

The virtue of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them)

I hope that you can explain the virtue of the Sahaabah and what distinguishes them from others?

Praise be to Allaah. Belief in the good character and virtue of the Sahaabah is the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah. That is because Allaah has praised them in His Book and they were also praised by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as is narrated in ... Continue Reading
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25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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