Delaying Hajj for no reason

What is the ruling on one who delays Hajj for no reason when he has the means and is able to do it?

Praise be to Allaah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. Whoever is able to do Hajj and does not do the obligatory Hajj, delaying it for no reason, has committed a great evil and a major sin. What he has to do is to repent to Allaah from that and hasten to do Hajj, because ... Continue Reading

She is complaining about being "ugly".

Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. With a dark complexion, acne prone skin, misaligned teeth, and average height, I consider myself ugly. So does that mean Allah hates me? I have heard taunts about my looks for a long time. I have been through a lot of social pressure because of how I look and remain depressed most of the time. Some have even blatantly expressed their concern over my marriage. Where is my position in Islam regarding all this, since Islam encourages men to marry beautiful women? I cannot thoroughly blame others for their concern, because they are in a way quoting the Quran. But then again where is my fault? I didn’t choose to be ugly. And how does one justify the fact one is rejected socially, rejected for jobs, rejected for marriage proposals, all because one is not good looking enough? Where is Allah’s justice in this when He has created us all equally?.
Praise be to Allaah. Know dear questioner, that all of Allah’s creation is good, but Allah may test a slave with sickness or a defect or ugliness and the like due to a wisdom He is aware of, and a benefit He wished for you to attain. Beauty and ugliness are like sickness and health, wealth ... Continue Reading

Is it possible to see Allaah in this world?

I have read that no man has seen Allah (S) in this life, not even the prophet (SM) in his mira'j. The book has been written by Sk. Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips. Now, I have heard from one scholar from my country that Imam Malik saw Allah (S) hundred times in his dream. Is that possible? May Allah (S) reward you.
Praise be to Allaah.Seeing Allaah in reality (as opposed to in a dream) is not possible in this life, although no doubt it will happen after death. This is not because seeing Him is impossible in itself, but because Allaah has willed that it should not happen. This is for many reasons, some of ... Continue Reading

Uncertainty whilst making wudoo’

Sometimes it so happens that I forget whether I have wiped over my head or not, and I am not sure one way or the other. Should I do wudoo’ all over again?
Praise be to Allaah. If this uncertainty come after you have finished doing wudoo’, then do not pay any attention to it. If it happens before you finish, for example, being unsure whether you have wiped over your head and you are washing your feet, then you can wipe over your head and ... Continue Reading

Allaah is above His Throne and He is close to us by His Knowledge

Quran says "Angels and Gabriel ascents to Allah in a day equivalent to 5000 terrestrial years. Does it imply that Allah is controlling the earthly matters sitting on the throne? Then how can be Allah nearer to us than the veins?
Praise be to Allaah. It is proven in the Qur’aan and Sunnah and by the consensus (ijmaa’) of the salaf (early generations) of this ummah that Allaah is above His heavens on His Throne, and that He is the Exalted, Most High. He is Above all things, and there is nothing that is above ... Continue Reading

Prayer of one who does not shave his pubic hair

Will the prayer of one who leaves his pubic hair and does not shave it for a month be accepted?
 Praise be to Allaah.Shaving the pubic hair – the hair that grows around the private    parts – is part of the sunan al-fitrah (actions that befit the natural state of man). They should not be left without shaving for more than forty days because of the proven hadeeth to ... Continue Reading

Conditions of Laa ilaaha illa-Allaah

Can you please explain the conditions of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (knowledge, certainty, etc), and tell us the rulings on one who does not attain them and one who is ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah?
Praise be to Allaah.The conditions of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah. Shaykh Haafiz al-Hukmi said in his poem Sullam al-Wusool : “Knowledge, certainty, submission and following. So listen to what I say.Truthfulness, sincerity and love. May Allaah help you to do that which He ... Continue Reading

How a woman should wipe her head when doing wudoo’

What is the way in which a woman should wipe her head when doing wudoo’?.

Praise be to Allaah. The way in which a woman – and a man whose hair is long – should wipe the head when doing wudoo’ is what is narrated in the hadeeth of al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu’awwidh (may Allaah be pleased with her). Ahmad (26484) and Abu Dawood (128) narrated from ... Continue Reading

Is it haraam for a woman who is junub to cook or touch things?

My question is that how soon after havin sex should a bath be taken. We have heard that everythiong you do before having bath like walk or cook is haram.Is it ok to take bath before your next praye. God bless you for your services.
Praise be to Allaah.There is no set time limit within which a woman who is junub has to do ghusl. It has to do with the performance of prayers and other acts of worship where tahaarah (purity) is required. There is no harm in delaying ghusl until the time for the next prayer comes, so long as the ... Continue Reading

What do Muslims Believe?

What do Muslims Believe?
Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable, and singular God, whose name in Arabic is "Allaah", literally meaning "The God"; in the angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in God's complete authority over human destiny, and in life after ... Continue Reading

Some of the Sunnahs of fasting

What are the Sunnahs of fasting?.

Praise be to Allaah.   There are many Sunnahs of fasting, including the following:  1 – It is Sunnah if someone insults you to respond in a better manner and say, “I am fasting,” because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah ... Continue Reading

A Christian is asking why God created mankind

According to the Qur'aan and/or Islamic traditions, why did God create mankind?
Praise be to Allaah. Allaah created the jinn and mankind to worship Him alone, to obey His commands and heed His prohibitions. Allaah says [in the Qur’aan] (interpretation of the meaning):“And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me ... Continue Reading
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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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