Virtues of the Day of Arafaah

What are the Virtues of the Day of Arafaah?

Praise be to Allaah.  1.  It is the day on which the religion was perfected and Allaah’s Favour was completed. In Al-Saheehayn it was reported from ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a Jewish man said to him, “O Ameer al-Mu’mineen, ... Continue Reading

The Rate of Zakaat al-Fitr

What is the rate of Zakaat al-Fitr? Is it permissible to give it after the Eid Prayer? Is it permissible to give Zakaat al-Fitr in cash?

Praise be to Allaah.  It was narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr upon the Muslims at a rate of one saa’ of dates or one saa’ of barley, and he commanded that it should be given before the people went out to pray ... Continue Reading

Reading Qur’aan from the computer

Is it valid to read Qur’aan from the computer instead of from the Mushaf ?
In other words, reading from websites on the Internet or from text files that contain the entire Qur’aan, which is displayed on the computer screen. I work in a company and during my breaks I read Qur’aan on the computer.
Is it necessary to have wudoo’ for this kind of reading, as is the case when reading from the Mushaf?.

Praise be to Allaah.There is no difference between reading Qur’aan from the Mushaf or reading from an electronic Mushaf, or from pages on the Internet, or from the screen of a mobile phone. What counts is reading, moving the lips and looking at the written words of Allah, may He be exalted, ... Continue Reading

The virtues of Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer

I would like to know some of the ahaadith which speak of the virtues of Jumu'ah prayer.

Praise be to Allah.  Many ahaadith have been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which explain the virtues of Jumu'ah prayer. For example: 1. Muslim [233] narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah ... Continue Reading

Enthusiasm when one first repents, followed by slackening off

When a person repents, he makes a vigorous start and says: "The Shaytaan is telling me to slow down", so he does more acts of worship. Then his enthusiasm cools down, and he says: "Allah does not burden any person beyond his scope", and his acts of worship become less until he goes back to the way he was. 

My question: What advice can you give? Should he make a vigorous start, or take a gradual approach until it is established and then add more after a while, or should he follow the saying: "When your wind blows, then make the most of it"?.

Praise be to Allah.The blessing of guidance and repentance is one of the greatest blessings that Allah can bestow upon the Muslim, whereby he changes himself for the better in ways that will bring him closer to Allah, may He be exalted. Usually the person who has repented starts to do acts of ... Continue Reading

Telling brothers and friends that you love them

If one Muslim brother loves another Muslim brother, does he have to say to this brother "I love you for the sake of Allah?

Praise be to Allah.Saying that you love your brothers and friends is part of the etiquette of keeping righteous company, and is a noble and good characteristic. Telling people that you love them increases the bonds of love and strengthens the ties among Muslims. It was narrated from Anas ... Continue Reading

How should we raise our children?

could you please advise us about how improve our manners, and raise our children to have good manners? As many of the scholars mentioned, they studied under their teachers for years to learn proper manners. I am very concerned because it seems that we are surrounded by bad examples and role models, and the standards of society are very low. I am a revert to Islam so I was not raised with good Islamic manners. I don't have the knowledge or training to be a very good role model. My childrens TV watching is very restricted, but they still interact with cousins and friends who pick up bad words and attitudes from TV. We also educate our children at home. But as much as we shelter them and instruct them, they seem to pick up some of the attitudes of the greater society. I am torn between whether I should continue trying to remain patient and remind them gently, or I should become more strict to enforce better behavior. We would really appreciate any advice that you could offer.

Praise be to Allah.We congratulate you for the blessing that has been bestowed upon you of guidance to Islam, and we ask Allah, may He be exalted, to make us and you steadfast in adhering to this religion until we meet Him when He is pleased with us. We also congratulate you for your keenness to ... Continue Reading

Types of hadith according to who it is attributed to

I have a question about some terminology that I would like you to explain to me. In some audio lectures I hear words such as (a marfoo' hadith) or  (a maqtoo' hadith)..

Praise be to Allah.The scholars of Hadith have a number of categories for reports, which vary according to the criteria they are looking at. One such case is the division of Hadith into categories based on who the Hadith is attributed to.They say: Hadith may be divided into categories according to ... Continue Reading

Muslim woman’s hijaab in front of kaafir women

What are the things that a Muslim woman may uncover in front of a kaafir woman, such as a Buddhist woman for example? Is it true that she is not allowed to uncover her face?

Praise be to Allah.  The correct view is that a woman may uncover what is above the navel and what is below the knees in front of another woman, whether she is a Muslim or a kaafir. As for the area between the navel and the knees, this is 'awrah and is to be covered in front of everyone. ... Continue Reading

Ruling on giving charity to non-Muslims

Is it permissible to give charity to non-Muslims if they are in urgent need? Will the person who gives such charity be rewarded?

Praise be to Allah.It is permissible to give charity to non-Muslims and this action will be rewarded, if they are in need of it, but they should not be given the obligatory charity, i.e. zakaat, unless they are those whose hearts are to be softened (i.e., they are close to embracing Islam). It is a ... Continue Reading

The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog)

Can you give us an idea about the Dajjaal, Al-Daabbah and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj?

Praise be to Allaah.There follows a brief description from the Qur’aan and Saheeh Sunnah narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about these three major signs that will precede the Hour and will come at the end of time just before the Day of Resurrection.The ... Continue Reading

How many will enter Paradise?

In Sahih Bukhari, it is mentioned that ...70,000 of all mankind will enter paradise(!!!)
The first three generations of muslims alone probably amounts to 70,000.
Is there another explanation to this hadith?

Praise be to Allah.Perhaps you are referring to the Hadeeth about the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without being brought to account, which was reported by the two Shaykhs (al-Bukhaari and Muslim), Ahmad and others from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). If you ... Continue Reading
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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