Is there a difference between the words Hadith and Sunnah?

I hope that you can clarify this topic for me in some detail: Are “hadith” and “Sunnah” synonymous, or is there a difference between them? I am asking this question because I read that some Orientalists and some Muslims who specialise in Islamic sciences do not regard these two words as different in meaning. Do you agree with that? I hope that you can explain to me in some detail.

 Praise be to Allah.The difference in terminology among scholars is one of the issues that is usually a difference in wording. That is because terminology results from a scholar choosing a particular word to refer to something; hence when differences occur, the difference is in wording but not ... Continue Reading

Should she end her relationship with some kaafir women or use the opportunity for da’wah?

I am a woman who corresponds with some European and American women via the internet. We have been exchanging gifts and discussing sewing ideas for two years. I have tried to talk to them about Islam, but I stopped for fear that I do not know enough to call them to Islam and I might make some mistakes. What do you advise me to do, should I cut off my ties with them altogether or should I carry on with the aim of calling them to Islam despite the difficulties? and how should I begin? Is this relationship regarded as friendship, and what is the Islamic ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: It is not permissible for a Muslim man or woman to take a male or female friend who is not a Muslim, because Allah has forbidden us to love the kuffaar or take them as close friends and companions, as He says: {لَا تَجِدُ قَوْمًۭا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ ... Continue Reading

It is not permissible to congratulate the kuffaar on their festivals in any way whatsoever

What is the ruling on eating the food (rice, meat, chicken or cake) that is given to us by a Christian friend that he made for his birthday or for Christmas or the Christian New Year? What is your opinion on congratulating him by saying, "Insha Allaah you will continue to do well this year" so as to avoid saying Kull 'aam wa antum bi khayr (approx. "season's greetings") or "Happy New Year" etc?

Praise be to Allah.It is not permissible for a Muslim to eat things that the Jews and Christians make on their festivals, or what they give him as a gift on their festivals, because that is cooperating with them and joining in with them in this evil.It is not permissible for him to congratulate ... Continue Reading

How should a Muslim deal with his kaafir family?

A woman became Muslim and lives with her family who are not Muslims, and now they do not object to her being Muslim. She tried to call them to Islam by various means, but to no avail. How should she deal with them in their misguided state? Should she uphold ties with them or limit her relationship with them?.

Praise be to Allah.The one whom Allah has guided to Islam must hasten to convey this light to his family and relatives, because they are the first people whom he should call and to whom he should bring the light of Islam. If there are among them people who do not object to Islam, then this is a ... Continue Reading

Accepting donations from non-Muslims

Can muslims accept donations from non-muslims to use in Islamic Cause?

Imaam al-Bukhaari (may Allah have mercy on him) gave one of the chapters in his Saheeh the title of "Baab qabool al-hadiyah min al-mushrikeen" (Chapter on accepting gifts from the polytheists), under which heading he listed a number of ahaadeeth indicating that this is permitted.Al-Haafiz ... Continue Reading

Evidence of the Existence of God, and the Wisdom Behind His Creation

A non-Muslim friend of mine asked how I could prove the existence of God and why He has given us life, and what its purpose is?
My answer did not satisfy him, please tell me what I should tell him?

Praise be to AllahMy dear Muslim brother, your efforts to call people to Allah and explain the reality of Allah's existence make us very happy. Finding out about Allah is in tune with the sound fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and with sound reasoning. How many there are who, once the truth ... Continue Reading

Suffering From Waswas (Insinuating Whispers) of the Shaytan About the Essence of Allah

A man is experiencing waswas (insinuating whispers) from the Shaytan (devil) having to do with Allah, and he is very afraid of that.

Praise be to AllahThe questioner has mentioned this problem and is afraid of its consequences. I say to him, rejoice, for its consequences cannot be anything but good. By means of this waswas, the Shaytan tries to gain control over the believers and shake the sound belief in their hearts, and make ... Continue Reading

Ruling on having a Christmas tree without celebrating Christmas

I don't celebrate Christmas in any way, but my 11 year old daughter loves the beauty of a Christmas tree when decorated. Is it permissible for me to have one in my house throughout the year?

Praise be to Allah. The Christmas tree is one of the symbols of the Christian festival and celebration; this is why it is named for Christmas. It is said that it was first officially used as a symbol in this manner in the sixteenth century in Germany, in the Cathedral of Strasbourg in 1539 ... Continue Reading

Allah and the pronoun 'He'

Why is Allah always reffered as 'He'? I ask this because my teacher in class raised this issue.

The Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî Allah says: “He created the pairs, male and female.” [Sûrah al-Najm: 45]Allah is the Creator of both sexes. We do not attribute being male or being female to Allah. We only ... Continue Reading
Fatawa Since 2014-05-08

Delaying the Fajr prayer until the morning twilight appears

Assalaam O Aliekum. Fajr Salat at the mosques in my locality start 30 mins before sunrise, and redishness in the furthermost eastern horizon is clearly visible. Is this indicative of the expiry of the time for Fajr? Would I be better off, offering Salat a little earlier without congregation at home?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, is His slave and Messenger.The time of the Fajr prayer ends only when the sun rises. As regards the appearance of the morning twilight and the spread of light, ... Continue Reading

A Jewish Woman Thinking About Embracing Islam

I have very difficult question and I think this is my only hope that you can help me to find the answer.
I am a Russian Jewish girl and I know this Muslim guy for over a year. The longer we know each other, the more problems and difficulties we face. Not in the religious or cultural ways. We love each other and there is an issue of whether he can marry me or not.
He is a very good Muslim and he comes from traditional family. I am very fond of his beliefs and beliefs of his family. I was born in a very agnostic country and couldn't be properly introduced into any religion. It was forbidden. When I came to the US I started my research on different religions and found out that my beliefs do not really match all Jewish sayings. I did a lot of research on Islam and by looking at him and a couple other Muslim boys and girls, and by reading Quaran, I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim. I want to go to school to learn the culture and religion more precisely, to learn the language. I contacted the mosque and was ready to go... but I faced the issue: would I be accepted as a Muslim sister like other people who came from different religions except Jewish? Jews and Muslims are in big contradictions and I know that friendship is almost impossible. I am praying to God (in my home language - Russian), to lead me the right way to achieve my beliefs.
Please, help me to find my answers

Praise be to Allaah. “I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim”. The way you express yourself so clearly in your message indicates that you are indeed open to the truth and have been sincerely seeking for it. “I am praying to God (in my home ... Continue Reading

Ruling on saying “We are the children of Allaah”

What is the rulling on, when a Muslim say "We believe we are all children of Allah" Basing it on the weak Hadeeth (All creations are sustained by Allah). Please provide details of the ruling.

Praise be to Allaah.   The hadeeth mentioned was narrated by al-Bazzaar and Abu Ya’la from Anas, and says, “All of mankind are the dependents of Allaah, and the most beloved of them to Allaah are those who are most helpful to their dependents.” This is a very weak ... Continue Reading
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20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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