How a woman should wipe her head when doing wudoo’

What is the way in which a woman should wipe her head when doing wudoo’?.

Praise be to Allaah. The way in which a woman – and a man whose hair is long – should wipe the head when doing wudoo’ is what is narrated in the hadeeth of al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu’awwidh (may Allaah be pleased with her). Ahmad (26484) and Abu Dawood (128) narrated from ... Continue Reading

Ruling on making phone apps for some educational projects and selling them

Is it permissible to make phone apps to sell Islamic information? For example, the iPhone mobile phone has a number of apps that are sold via the Apple company, such as the electronic Mushaf, Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Saheeh Muslim, and so on. I would like to make apps like these, that deal with the Qur’an and Prophet’s hadeeths, for the iPhone and iPad, and upload them to the App Store as unique apps.

Praise be to Allah. Striving to spread knowledge and the Qur’an is a great good deed, and making use of modern technology to do that is one of the best and greatest good deeds, if a person does it seeking to please Allah, especially nowadays when followers of whims and desires and the ... Continue Reading

Is there a du’aa’ to be said at the time of sahoor?

I was thought in my school that there is dua for iftiyari only n not for sahoor. for sahoor it's the intention in heart but my husband says there is dua for sahoor too. pls guide me to what is correct.

Praise be to Allaah. Yes, there are du’aa’s that are narrated in the Sunnah which the fasting person may say at the time of breaking the fast. He may say “Dhahaba al-zama’u wa abtalat al-‘urooq wa thabat al-ajru in sha Allaah (Thirst has gone, the veins are moist, ... Continue Reading

She is complaining about being "ugly".

Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. With a dark complexion, acne prone skin, misaligned teeth, and average height, I consider myself ugly. So does that mean Allah hates me? I have heard taunts about my looks for a long time. I have been through a lot of social pressure because of how I look and remain depressed most of the time. Some have even blatantly expressed their concern over my marriage. Where is my position in Islam regarding all this, since Islam encourages men to marry beautiful women? I cannot thoroughly blame others for their concern, because they are in a way quoting the Quran. But then again where is my fault? I didn’t choose to be ugly. And how does one justify the fact one is rejected socially, rejected for jobs, rejected for marriage proposals, all because one is not good looking enough? Where is Allah’s justice in this when He has created us all equally?.
Praise be to Allaah. Know dear questioner, that all of Allah’s creation is good, but Allah may test a slave with sickness or a defect or ugliness and the like due to a wisdom He is aware of, and a benefit He wished for you to attain. Beauty and ugliness are like sickness and health, wealth ... Continue Reading

What should he do about his paternal uncle who unlawfully took his house that he inherited from his father, and he cannot do anything about it?

My father had full ownership of an expensive house in Pakistan. About 10 years ago, when I was 10 years old, he had passed away, and I have been raised by a single mother. Our financial conditions are worsening as my education needs are growing. However, my fathers brother had taken the house unlawfully and has been living in there since my father's death. Whenever my mother would ask for our house back, he would threaten to humiliate her and destroy her. Since I had moved to Canada right after my father's death, I'm not familiar with the laws and authorities in Pakistan, and since Pakistan is failing to govern itself, it has poor controls of policing and other enforcement agencies. Also, since my uncle is a very dangerous person, I am afraid of what he would do if I go there and try to take my property back. My question is that, in such dangerous circumstances, am I still obliged to take my rightful property? And if yes, are there any suggestions on how I should go about doing so?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  What your uncle has done with this act of transgression – if what you say is true – is a grave major sin. The inheritance must be given after the death of the deceased to the legitimate heirs without any wrongdoing or transgression. Allah, ... Continue Reading

Is it permissible to work in newspaper distribution in America?


I am a Muslim Arab university student in the United States. I am married and am working temporarily in the distribution centre of a local daily newspaper until I graduate and return to my country, because my family and I need the money urgently and there are few opportunities for halaal work in this country. Is it permissible to work in newspaper distribution?.

    Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: The basic principle indicated by the evidence is that it is not permissible to help in anything that is haraam, by selling, carrying, distributing and so on, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Help you one another ... Continue Reading

The reason for the existence of the honourable scribes even though Allaah knows all things

What is the reason for the existence of the honourable scribes even though Allaah knows all things?.
Praise be to Allaah.We say concerning such matters: we may or may not understand the wisdom behind it, because we do not know the wisdom behind many things, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):“And they ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله ... Continue Reading

Putting one’s trust in Allah and taking measures

There was a discussion about the issue of putting one’s trust in Allah (tawakkul) and taking measures; the trust of some of the righteous is like that of Maryam, to whom summer fruits used to come in the winter and vice versa without her taking any measures; rather she focused completely on worship. Please advise us about that, may Allah bless you.

Praise be to Allaah. Putting one’s trust in Allah involves two things:  (i)                Depending on Allah and believing that He is the One Who causes measures to be effective; His decree comes to ... Continue Reading

What is the ruling on neglecting the Sunan al-Fitrah, and does that have any effect on tahaarah (purity)?

I have noted that some worshippers let their nails grow long and they are filled with dirt. Is this befitting for a Muslim? Is their wudoo’ valid? Is there a specified time limit for cutting the nails, or for doing other things that are Sunan al-Fitrah (specific sunnahs connected to the natural disposition of man)?
Praise be to Allaah.  The nails must be cut within forty days (of the last cutting), because the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) specified a time limit within which people should cut their nails, shave their pubic hair, pluck their armpit hair and trim their ... Continue Reading

Impermissible to help a non-Muslim deal in Riba (Usury/interest)

Salam Alaykum shaykh. I have a friend who have accepted Islam not long ago. He asks if it is allowed for him that his father who is not a Muslim, buys a house With a loan based on ribaa (usury/interest). And then my friend will buy the house from his father by monthly installment, without ribaa (usury/interest)?
  All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him), is His Slave and Messenger.   It is not permissible for your friend to urge his father or to help him ... Continue Reading

All questions are worthy of asking

As Salam Wahalakum, Brothers and sisters My question is kind of puzzling but I think it is important My question is: Is a man suppose to shave his legs if his hair grows big like we do to over private parts? I 'm asking this question because most of my friends do it and I didn't because I was never told. So please answer this question and don't leave it as joke. Thank You
Praise be to Allah,We would never consider your question as a joke for the reason that you do what you are supposed to do by asking about something you don’t know its ruling.At the age of our Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) someone, called Abu-Refaa, may Allah be pleased with him, came ... Continue Reading

Ruling on distributing leaflets and pamphlets that contain Qur’anic verses for da‘wah purposes to non-Muslims

My question is regarding distributing leaflets/pamphlets for dawah purposes that contain Quranic verses. It is likely that many of them will end up on the streets or bins after being distributed. Isnt this wrong and should this discourage us giving out such material? Also, is this ok, considering that the targeted recipients are non-muslims who are impure?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  Distributing leaflets and pamphlets for da‘wah purposes is a good deed and is calling people to Allah. It is something from which many people benefit, especially non-Muslims. It is a means of spreading the religion of Allah, establishing proof for ... Continue Reading
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3 Rabi' al-thani 1446
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