Category: Names and Attributes


If His benevolence, reward, blessing and goodness has no end when all of these are a consequence and result of His pleasure, what then of this attribute of His pleasure? It is related in a tradition, ‘If I bless, there is no end to my blessing.’ What then of the quality from where this blessing emanated? Pleasure necessitates love, benevolence, generosity, kindness, pardon, ṣafḥ, forgiveness and mercy. ... more

Allah is al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme)

The greatest strength that human beings can attain is to place their reliance in Allah and seek His support. The highest level of greatness they can attain is to show humility to their Lord and defer to His honor. ... more

The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah

In this message I am trying to answer some of the many questions that exist in the minds of people; what is the meaning of invocation? What are the means of invocation? What are the innovations that have entered it? ... more

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