You Will Find The Solution In The Quran

Discover the beauty of The Holy Quran and try to devote yourself to remember this remarkable benefit and share it with others.

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How to Tell Your Parents That You Have Embraced Islam

Be prepared that you might have some negative response from your family. These are general guidelines on how to tell and deal with your parents after embracing Islam. ... more

Be the Best- Sajid Ahmed Umar

Be the Best in whatever you do”, a talk for kids and parents.

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An Abandoned Companion- Sajid Ahmed Umar

Sheikh Sajid explains the importance of protecting ourselves from ever falling into unaccepted category by discussing the status and honour that we should afford the Book of Allah in our lives.

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The Signs Of Hypocrisy

This lesson clarifies the signs of Hypocrisy to be avoided in order to be a real Muslim.

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The Sunnah Of Being Born

In this lecture an exposure to recognize the Sunna of being born, blessing and Fitna of children.

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So that You may Attain Taqwa-Sajid Ahmed Umar

This was an online lecture presented by Sheikh Sajid Umar at Knowledge International University ( KIU ) during Ramadan 2013 from the land where revelation descended – Makkah. In this lecture, sheikh discusses and elaborates on the Qur’anic verses that pertain to fasting during the month of Ramadan.

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Laylatul Qadr The Night of Power- Sajed Ahmed Umar

This talk focused on the merits of the Laylatul Qadr-the Night of Power, a night better than a 1000 months. Sheikh explains why this night is given this particular name, the happenings on this night, when the night is, signs of Laylatul Qadr and how we can prepare what and ensure we experience this Night of Power.

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