Category: Da'wah
Various Scholars
Various Scholars

The message of Jesus
Duration: 3:50-
Various Scholars
Various Scholars
Laylatul Qadr The Night of Power- Sajed Ahmed Umar
This talk focused on the merits of the Laylatul Qadr-the Night of Power, a night better than a 1000 months. Sheikh explains why this night is given this particular name, the happenings on this night, when the night is, signs of Laylatul Qadr and how we can prepare what and ensure we experience this Night of Power.

Yaser Birjas
The Value Of Good Speech In Islam
Good speech is an important factor to drive others to Islam and it has significant role to enter Paradise.

Yaser Birjas
The Sunnah Of Reminders (Naseehat)
Reminding Muslims of Islam ethics and good morals is of great value in Islam.

Various Scholars
What you Prefer Duniya or Hereafter?- Omar El-Banna
A great reminder of Hereafter. We all have to Be aware of this great advice to keep remembering the day of Judgment.

Various Scholars
Various Scholars
The Virtues of Fasting and Ramadan-Sajid Umar
In this khutbah, Sheikh Sajid highlights the blessings and virtues of Ramadan for a believer and reminds us of the Gate of Rayyaan in Jannah that is exclusively reserved for the fasting person, and that we should strive for excellence

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Save Your Family From Shaitan
A great advice to drive Muslims to follow the teachings of Islam to save their family from evils and devils.

Nouman Ali
Quran’s Solution To Muslims Fighting Each Other
Quran’s Solution To Muslims Fighting Each Other is a vital lesson drives Muslims to return to the Holy Quran teachings.