The Undetected Poison

He, in reality, is nothing in this vast creation. A speck upon a planet, which is a speck in comparison to the sun, which in turn is a speck in this universe, which is a speck in the ocean of Allah’s creation... ... more

Truthfulness and Sincerity

From the sayings of the Salaf about Truthfulness and Sincerity Collected by Abdul Wahhab bin Muhammad as-Salafi ... more

The Heart’s & Body’s Relief Lies in Obeying Allah

The servant surrenders and submits himself before his Lord and Master and emerges in a state of quietude and peace, looking on at Him with his heart; his soul at rest. ... more

The Reality of Taking Refuge with Allah


Shaikh Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi
Now, know that the reality of seeking refuge that is established in the heart of the believer surpasses these definitions and is beyond them. These definitions only serve as examples and symbols. The actual state that is established in ...

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Sayings of the Salaf on Sincerity

The sayings have been taken from Ihyaa Uloom id-Deen of al-Ghazaalee, Mukhtasir Minhaaj il-Qaasideen of Ibn Qudaamah and Kitaab uz-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubaarak. ... more

The compulsory test

Man passes through his lifetime by many tests, in which he has the choice of taking these tests or not. However, there is another kind of test; it is the compulsory test ... more

Sayings of the Salaf on Sincerity

The sayings have been taken from Ihyaa Uloom id-Deen of al-Ghazaalee, Mukhtasir Minhaaj il-Qaasideen of Ibn Qudaamah and Kitaab uz-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubaarak. ... more

Long Hope...Causer of Illnesses and Malady of People

Golden dreams... glittering hopes... and pleasant imaginations... then there is only Destiny! Only the Act of the Lord of the humankind is done! ... more

Sincerity is the Pearl of the Hearts

O my brother: let's stop to cure the ill souls. Let's stop to reform the cruel hearts. Let's stop to refine the low intentions. ... more

Words about Love

Love is the greatest pillar of worship. Worship is based on three pillars: love, fear, and hope. Following are brief words about this greatest pillar: love. ... more

O Heedless, Be careful!

How bad the way of sins is! What a loss is the outcome of it! Its committer lives in distress and its seeker lives in weariness. Its relief is a fake mirage and its misery is a true certainty. ... more

Renew your faith

My Muslim brother, here are some important means that renew your faith, augment and increase it. ... more

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