Category: Muslim Women's Issues

The Danger of the Work of Women

Sayings and Confessions about the Danger of the Work of Women ... more

O Sister Beware of Fondness

One of the phenomena which have attracted the attention of many people is "the phenomenon of fondness" amongst girls. It is a strange phenomenon that excites attention and bewilders minds and thoughts. ... more

A cry of a young woman

This is a painful message written by a believer Muslim young woman who has tasted grief, pain and torture from her non-conscientious, insensible father. ... more

The Muslim woman path to happiness

The most important thing that characterizes Muslims; whether a man or a woman, whose hearts are attached to Allah, and who apply His Shari'a (set of laws) in their lives, is the psychological ease and inward tranquility. ... more

O sister! What do you know about intermingling?

O sister! O pearl that Islam has cherished in her bud… has honored in her early childhood and forbidden her to be buried alive upon birth… has magnified her status that she become the key to Paradise for the fathers. ... more

Chastity of Veil

The greatest manifestation of chastity for a Muslim sister is the veil. It contains all the terms of modesty and shyness, and all the meanings of virtue and purity. Is Chastity anything than veil! ... more

Ethics of Going out to the Market

"The most lovable places on Earth to Allah are its mosques, and the most despised places on Earth to Allah are its markets." [Reported by Muslim] ... more

Important guidelines & fatwa for Muslim women

Collection of Important guidelines and Fatawa by Sheikh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaimîn and Sheikh Abdullah ibn Abdul Rahmân Al-Jibrîn concerning the Muslim women. ... more

The Victim Wife of a Drug Addicted Husband

In the morning, I woke up to remember the last terrible night and I was about to tell my father but I feared that I would be in shame. Now, I wish I had told him. ... more

The repentant women to Allah

These are the stories of some repentant women of the famous and non-celebrities; which I wrote for every girl who wants life... who aspires for happiness... who wishes to survive... before death and after death ... more

Illuminative lamps on the way of Muslim woman

The pleasure of life, its beauty, and its utmost happiness are not achieved except through the obedience of Allah that does not cost anything except standing firm by the commandments of Allah and following His Path. ... more

Some Tears of Every Girl

The following are experiences of life that I have written by my pen for you, O sister of men! They are for you, O the unattainable! They are for you, O the mother of the heroes. Now I will tell you about the tears. ... more

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