Category: Islamic Groups and Sects
Since 2016-02-13
Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-29
Stories of New Muslim
Some touching stories of newly-converted brothers and sisters. ... more
Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany
Since 2014-04-07
Importance of Ethics and Values in Islamic Civilization
Ethics and values are the moral or spiritual aspect of the Islamic civilization. They are also the essence and basis for any civilization. In the meantime, they ensure the secret of their survival and resilience throughout the history and generations. If this aspect disappears one day, man will lose his moral warmth, which is the spirit of life and existence; mercy will quit his heart; his conscience will not be able to play its role; he will no longer know the truth of his existence and himself; and he will be bound with material restrictions, from which he cannot escape. ... more
Karim Abu Zeid
Since 2014-01-26

Shia & Sunni what's real ISLAM?
Duration: 34:55Various Scholars
Since 2013-01-09