Category: Fiqh of Prayer
Muhammad Al-Shareef
Is it permissible to pray in a mosque where the ground floor is controlled by the Shi‘ah and the Sunnis control the upper floor?
Is it permissible to pray in a mosque where the ground floor is controlled by the Shi‘ah and the Sunnis control the upper floor?
Various Scholars
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
What you should do in the following situations
Various Scholars
Various Scholars
Yaser Birjas
The Weight Of Salah On The Day Of Judgment
One of the most important lessons that every Muslim has to realize with the most careful consideration.
Various Scholars
The Meaning Of The Tashahhud-Abdul Nasir Jangda
In this lesson, we are going to clarify the importance of Prayer and recognize the meaning of the Tashahhud.
He has repented from not praying or giving Zakah, does he have to make them up?
I am from a Muslim background, but I never used to offer the obligatory prayers and even when I tried to pray once, I did not do it right. In other words I did not prepare to do it in the proper manner. I ask Allah to forgive me. I heard that the one who does not pray is a disbeliever and is not a Muslim, but whoever offers the five daily prayers, or one or two of them and omits the rest, is regarded as a Muslim. Also, I did not pay zakah on my wealth, but for at least two years I have completed the fast of Ramadan, and I intend to continue doing so. I want to learn how to pray and make it part of my life, along with other acts of worship.
Is it obligatory for me to pay zakah for all these many years (when I did not pay it), and to make up the days that I did not fast at the time when I was not praying?
Please note that I have now reached the age of thirty-one years; perhaps you will understand that this may cause me a great deal of hardship; to ward off that hardship, can I start over? Will Allah forgive me if I do that?
Sometimes he feels too lazy to pray– what is the remedy?
I am a young Muslim man who believes in Allah and His Messengers and His Books, praise be to Allah. But sometimes I feel too lazy to pray. I am looking for a solution and a way to make me not be so lazy. Please note that this is what I want but the tricks of the Shaytaan are too strong.
How should I pray when I am on board an airplane and it's direction keeps changing?
When traveling via airplane which direction should one pray? Assuming that due to conditions on the plane the proper direction cannot be ascertained.
Informed about correct direction of qiblah during prayer
What should one who is informed about the correct direction of the qiblah during a prayer?