Reliance on Allah

Reliance on Allah the Exalted is a lofty station that has a great effect. It is one of the most important obligations of faith, one of the best actions and acts of worship that bring one closer to Ar-Rahmaan (the Possessor of Mercy), and one of the highest stations of unifying Allah the Exalted, because everything occurs through reliance on Allah the Exalted and seeking His help. ... more

Being considerate of others’ feelings

The way of life that has been set forth in the Qur’aan and the authentic Prophetic Sunnah (traditions), is not limited to only creed, worship, actions of the limbs and the slave’s relationship with his Lord. It goes further than that, and tells us to be well-mannered with Allah’s creation, to be kind and charitable to them and to maintain a good relationship with them. And so we find that Islam calls to being friendly with others, and to treat them well. Read more to be more considerate of others’ Feelings. ... more

10+ Hadiths on the Virtues of Shabaan

      The E-Da`wah Committee in Kuwait is pleased to present this short publication which contains a collection of 10+ authentic Prophetic hadiths on the excellence of the mon ... more
Books Since 2019-02-07

My Prayer Book

Teaching prayer with pictures ... more
Books Since 2014-05-18

The Ideal Muslimah

The true islamic personality of the muslim woman, as defined by the Quran and Sunnah. ... more

The Evolution Of Fiqh (Islamic Law & The Madh-habs)

The overall purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the historical factors behind the formulation of Islamic law (Fiqh), in order that he or she may better understand how and why the various schools of Islamic law (Madhhabs) came about. ... more

Don't Be Sad (Bookmarked)

One of the best books of the scholar sheikh Aa'id Al-Qarni. Don't Be Sad is an important book for all. It is full of practical advice on how to repel despair and replace it with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. ... more

Book of Faith

Book of Faith represents the first complete English translation of the important and well-known work Kitab Al-Iman, written by the renowned scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. The concept of Iman, faith, is fundamental to Islam. Iman has served to define the nature of Muslim life and the essence of the religion as a whole. ... more

The Key to Success

The successful person is one who does not let their inclination overcome their reason, or their failure overcome their patience, nor are they lured by temptations, or preoccupied by trivial things. ... more
Books Since 2015-05-10

The Way to The Revival of the Muslim Ummah

By: Abdel Hamid H. El-Ghazali ... more

The Night Prayer in Ramadan

A most rewarding and fulfilling part of a Muslim's worship are those blessed moments that he spends praying in the depth of the night, privately addressing his Great Lord, sincerely glorifying Him, humbly imploring Him - beseeching His forgiveness and asking Him for favors. The voluntary "night prayer", or qiyaam, is indispensable for a person's moral, spiritual, and physical welfare. Yet, it is greatly misunderstood and largely neglected by most Muslims ... more
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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