Various Scholars
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Various Scholars
Since 2019-01-16
Common Mistakes Made by Women
Today the enemies of Islam, rather the enemies of humanity, from among the disbelievers, hypocrites and those who have diseased hearts are infuriated by the dignity, honor and protection that the Muslim woman enjoys under Islam. They realized that the reform or corruption of society is hinged on the righteousness or corruption of the woman. So, they made a goal to corrupt the woman and drive her from her home to participate in man’s work side by side. They made the woman a tool for destruction and a rope to trap those who have weak faith and errant desires. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-12-27
The Key to Success
The successful person is one who does not let their inclination overcome their reason, or their failure overcome their patience, nor are they lured by temptations, or preoccupied by trivial things. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-08-13
The Greatest Objective of Hajj
It is an amazing scene that deserves reflection and contemplation. It is the very process of remolding the Muslim during Hajj... ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-08-13
Messages for the Pilgrim
These are messages of love and exaltation for each pilgrim who has the desire to visit these blessed places and sacred precincts to assert his allegiance to Allaah The Almighty and testify that he is a Muslim who is asking for the forgiveness and pardon of Allaah. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-08-13
Hajj Lessons for the Mind Spirit and Community
Of all the rites of Islam, Hajj is most particularly significant to the concept of unity in that it brings nations and tribes together from distant lands before their Creator. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-08-13
Building the House of Allah on the Foundation of Monotheism
Hajj is a salient manifestation and symbol of Monotheism. It is a celebration of the Oneness of Allah Almighty, in terms of its time, place and rites. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-08-11
A Syntactico-Pragmatic Analysis of Emphatic Structures in Five Translations of the Holy Quran
The current study analyses five translations of the Holy Quran with respect to translating the emphatic structures from Arabic into English syntactically and pragmatically through conducting a critical comparative analysis. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-05-04
Just the Tip of the Iceberg!
It inspires us to have good intentions, positive attitudes, and kind feelings towards others... ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-04-06
You Ask and the Quran Answers
A small book that answers 32 questions through Ayahs from the Holy Quran... ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-03-17
Science in Islam
A short pamphlet about science in Islam ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-03-17
Why Islam?
A short pamphlet that discusses some of the beauties, benefits and unique aspects of the religion of Islam as compared to other religions and beliefs. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2018-03-17
The Mercy of Allah
A short pamphlet about the Mercy of Allah ... more