Ibn Taymiyyah
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Ibn Taymiyyah
Since 2016-10-24
Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Ibn Taymiyyah
A well-known reference to get involved in the knowledge of Tafisr of the Holy Qur'an. The book was written by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah the Almighty blessed him) and compiled by Shaykh Ibn Uthayman (may Allah the Almighty blessed him). ... more
Ibn Taymiyyah
Since 2014-04-07
Book of Faith
Book of Faith represents the first complete English translation of the important and well-known work Kitab Al-Iman, written by the renowned scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. The concept of Iman, faith, is fundamental to Islam. Iman has served to define the nature of Muslim life and the essence of the religion as a whole. ... more
Ibn Taymiyyah
Since 2013-05-26
The Nature of Fasting
This is a translation one of the smaller publications from the works of Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad bin 'Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been published in this form a variety of times with a number of minor additions to the text under the title, "Hagigatus-Siyam," or, "The Nature of Fasting." We have revised our version to meet the source section of Majmu' AI-Fatawa (25:219) from where it appears that the original booklet - with the exception of the questions, of which most appear on earlier pages - has been taken. ... more