#9 Saying Tashahud after Wudu

#9 Saying Tashahud after wudu (ablution)

A few words can open all eight doors of Jannah for you, and you may enter from any gate you wish! It’s the beautiful easy Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ) which only takes seconds! Simply say Shahada after perfecting your ablution!

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: ...

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Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her)

An example for those who believe; the righteous woman; the wife of Pharaoh; she is Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her). ... more

11 Good Reasons to Do Good Deeds

This article provides few factors that serve as incentives to perform righteous deeds in order to gain blessings in this world and eternal reward in the Hereafter. ... more

Sufi formulas and bid'ah

Q: In your 'Innovations' sections, you say it's bidah to recite, say a 100 times or something, suras hoping for reward. After reading a Sufi book by Hakim Moinuddin Chishti called 'Sufi Healing", I saw that it justified using such formulas by saying that the formulas and other things had ...

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"Key" to Paradise

What Every Muslim Needs to Know - The 9 Conditions of "Shahadah"

Based on an Article entitled (The Conditions of "La illah illa-allah") taken from
AL-BASHEER magazine

The complete statement of the creed of the Muslim is: "Ash-shadu anna Laa elaha illa lah. Ash-shadu anna Muhammadar ...

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Rushing upon the holidays of the Christians

To the bewildered Muslims who rush upon the holidays of the Christians

After your praising of Allah for at least seventeen times every day and night; you say in your prayer: {Guide us to the Straight Way} [Surat Al-Fatiha: 6]

{اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ} Continue Reading

Melissa Riter, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised in a sadly dysfunctional family. My father was anti-religion (all religions) and my mother was a non-practicing Southern Baptist. On my father's side of the family, religion was something to ridicule while one was "straight" and to adopt when one was drunk or high. On my mother's ...

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The degrees and levels of Paradise and Hell, and the deeds that take one to them

Q: How many heavens and hells are there?How do these levels differenciate?And wat do you need to do to get into each level?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

With regard to numbers, there is one Hell and one Paradise, but each of them has degrees and levels. Paradise is sometimes mentioned in the ...

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Characteristics of the saved group

Q: What are the most prominent characteristics of the saved group? If a person is lacking in any of these characteristics does that mean that he is not one of the saved group?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The most prominent characteristic of the saved group is adherence to the way of the ...

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The Story of Joseph (part 7 of 7)

Patience Rewarded

The golden bowl was found in Benjamin's belongings and his brothers were astonished. They quickly realised the Chief Minister (Joseph) would follow their own law and keep Benjamin as a slave. This upset them greatly. They were afraid of returning to their father without his ...

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The situation of the Muslims in Palestine

I was wondering what you believe the fight taking place in the Holy Land is all about and what the end result might be?

Praise be to Allaah.
Undoubtedly what is happening to the Muslims in the Holy Land of hardship, torture, expulsion, killing and harm is a matter which causes sorrow to every ...

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A brief look at Moosa (peace be upon him)

We would like a brief description of Moosa (peace be upon him) and his people.

Praise be to Allaah.
· Allaah sent revelation to Moosa ibn 'Imraan (peace be upon him) and sent him to the Children of Israel to call them to worship Allaah alone, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And ...

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