How to gain Khushu in Salat

By Dr. Mamdouh N. Mohamed
Associate Professor at the American Open University

What is Khushuu'?

Khushuu' during Salaat is misunderstood by some people as crying and weeping. Rather, it is the presence of the heart during an act of 'ibadah. When a person's heart is fully occupied of what he ...

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Quran: The Way to Salvation

The Book of Allah is the rain that brings forth true life on Earth. ... more

Love Your Brother for the Sake of Allah

In Islam, true friendships are bound by brotherhood and sisterhood bonds that are stronger than typical friendships. ... more

What should be said at distress?

We are talking here about what is permissible for a Muslim to say when he is inflicted by a calamity in himself, his children, money or something of the like. ... more

Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (1)

Mercy appears clearly in our Messenger Muhammad’s, peace and blessing be upon him, morals and conduct towards all people. This mercy was not only confined to his companions, may Allaah be pleased with them; but rather, it extended to include non-Muslims. ... more

Introduction to Zakaah 1/2

The fact that Zakaah is an obligation upon the Muslims is one of the most apparent indications of the beauty of Islam and the concern it has for its adherents. ... more

Tie it and put your trust in Allah

Reliance is one of the strong moral means that achieve one's goal and fulfill the needs. ... more

How to perform Ghusl?

How to perform Ghusl?

1. Intention, i.e. to perform Ghusl.
2. Basmallah (i.e. to say 'Bismillah' - I begin with the name of Allah).
3. Wash the hands.
4. Wash the private parts with the left hand.
5. Perform the Wudhu:
* Wash the hands three times.
* Rinse the mouth three times.
* Cleanse ...

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Manners related to answering the call of nature

When a Muslim wants to answer the call of nature there are certain manners one must observe. ... more

Actions which require Wudhu

1. One must have Wudhu for prayers, whether they are obligatory or supererogatory. One must have Wudhu when performing Salatul Jinazah (Funeral Prayer). Allah says:

{يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ ...

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The hand which gives is better than which takes

the upper hand is the giver and the lower hand is the beggar and it is known that a giver is better than the taker. ... more

The Benefits of Hoping for the Best

Hope is what makes the person enjoy his journey towards Allah The Almighty and the Hereafter ... more
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3 Muharram 1446
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