The Best Supplication for Seeking Forgiveness

Seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty is the greatest goal to every Muslim... ... more

Truthfulness Leads to Righteousness

Firstly, this is a reminder for myself before it is to anyone else, that the month of Ramadan just finished few days ago. A month where we ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to accept our fasting and other good deeds. A month where we should have attained Taqwa (piety) which is the core goal ...

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Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

The correct dress and covering for women and the prohibition of them intermixing with men are the two most important interconnected preventative measures that Islam has laid out. ... more

The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

By Shahid Athar M.D.

At the onset of Ramadan Muslims all over the world start fasting from dawn to dusk daily for 30 days as ordained in Quran.

"O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)

The ...

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Ramadan Origin & Fasting

Introduction to Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. Its Name and Origin, Prayer & reading of The Qur'an, Events of Ramadan & medical benefits of Fasting. ... more

Moral Vaccination

We are not only bodies but we have souls, and morality. There are moral illnesses and they are contagious. We need a moral vaccination to immunize the souls to be able to resist these moral illnesses. ... more

Does evolution disprove God?

Evolution is a process just like countless other processes on earth. It is not an argument against God. ... more

Giving Sincere Advice

The giving of sincere advice enjoys a sublime and exalted position in Islam, and how could this not be so? The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) considered the giving of sincere advice on a par with the religion as whole. The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: ...

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UN: Somalia is 'worst humanitarian disaster'

The head of the United Nations refugee agency has described the situation in drought-hit Somalia as the “worst humanitarian disaster” in the world, after meeting with those affected at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya. ... more

From the wisdom behind fasting


From the wisdom behind fasting is that:

It is an act of worship done for Allah, in which the 'adb (servant) draws closer to His lord by abandoning the things that he loves and desires, such as food, drink and sexual intercourse. This is done in order to achieve His Lord's Pleasure and ...

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Slaughtering Muslims!!

Slaughtering Muslims in Palestine and around the world!! ... more

Liberalism and Secularism: One and the Same

The liberal order does not extinguish religions; it just eviscerates them, unless they are the religions that display the same respect for the public-private distinction that liberalism depends on and enforces. ... more
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23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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