Encouragement to give ongoing charity (sadaqah jaariyah)


I would like some information explaining what is meant by ongoing charity (sadaqah jaariyah) and encouragement to do it.


Praise be to Allaah.


Allaah has created man to worship Him. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"And I (Allaah) created not the ...

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The Great Virtue of Ramadan

by Imaam al-Haramain Abdul Muhsin Ibn Muhammad Al-Qaasim

In the name of Allaah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Al-Jum'ah, Ramadaan 5 , 1421 A.H. (December 8, 2000)

All praise is due to Allah Who made the succession of day and night a lesson for those who reflect. I thank him for his ... Continue Reading

A Small House

How many of us, long before even getting married start planning on what kind of house we want to live in? We all have an idea of the perfect little cottage that we'll insha'Allah own one day. We mentally design and decorate our house .. Once that dream is achieve, don't we take care of it? 

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Meaning of belief in al-Qadar (the divine will and decree)

Q: What is the meaning of belief in al-Qadar (the divine will and decree)?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Qadar means that Allaah has decreed everything that happens in the universe according to His prior knowledge and the dictates of His wisdom.

Belief in al-Qadar includes four things:

1 - The ...

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True Monotheistic Concepts - Tawheed, Shirk, Islam

True Monotheistic Concepts - Tawheed, Shirk, Islam

Based on a Document By: AbuBakr Karolia - December 26, 1999

Tawheed (montheism)
The term is derived from the three consonants root w-h-d, which serves as the vehicle for the basic concept of 'oneness,' or 'unity," along with the closely ...
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The Evil of Smoking

Smoking was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in America, about 500 years ago; from Spain, it spread to the rest of Europe, and thence to the Muslim world about 100 years later.

Unfortunately, while the West has long realized the dangers of smoking and attempted to reduce it, in the ... Continue Reading

The Objective Reasoning and The Convincing Islam

                Muhammad, the prophet of Islam followed the footsteps of earlier prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jacob and Jesus. He was a descendant of Abraham, and the core principles of Islam are those taught by all prophets from Noah to Jesus. All prophets before Muhammad focused on a ... Continue Reading

Ayesha a 14 years old New Muslimah!

Here is an Interview between us and Sister Stephanie (She is now 'ayesha) a 14 years old Muslimah from England.

- As-Salamu Alaikum

wa alaikum as-salam

- Dear sister, would you mind giving our readers a brief introduction about yourself?

My Name is 'Ayesha (Stephanie). I am a UK citizen ...

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Neglecting prayer out of laziness

Q: If you do not pray salat out of laziness on purpose, are you a kafir or just a bad Muslim? Please answer.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Imaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book ...

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Types Of Hajj

Types Of Hajj

Making Hajj only in the prescribed months of Hajj

1. Starting Ihram and Reaching Miqat

Starting Ihram

Step 1
If you are traveling by air or sea you have two options:
(a) put on Ihram before leaving
(b) put on Ihram on the flight/ship before passing over ...
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Of Malls and Mus'ab bin 'Umair

By: Umm Rashid

Big city, bright lights. Cars flash in fast lanes. Young Muslims are getting ready to hit the "night scene". Branded shoes and designer clothes in place, clutching the latest mobile gizmos and sporting the trendiest watches, their perfume smells --- more than anything else - of ...

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Omar and the Egyptian: Unparalleled Justice

        A man from the Copts(1)came to Omar ibn al-Khattab(2)in Al-Madinah(3), and said, "O Commander of the Faithful! I seek refuge in you from oppression." Omar replied, "You have sought refuge where it is to be sought." The Egyptian said, "I was racing the son of `Amr ibn al-`Aas(4), and ... Continue Reading
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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