Quranic Way of Life

Some of the lessons learnt from Quran that apply to our general

1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion,
colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job
and so on [17/70]

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity ...

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Being Good to your Parents

In today's rapid-paced life, we often tend to get so busy that we forget our parents' rights.  Family values have significantly dropped in our lives, and our friends often become more important to us than our own relatives. What better can emphasize the good treatment of our parents than the ... Continue Reading

Please Take me!

"I was driving to the grocery store just thinking of everything on my list to do today. Taking the kids to soccer practice, cleaning the house, getting groceries, getting the oil changed in the car, the list went on and on. i was feeling overwhelmed and was already tired before I had even ...

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Month of Rajab and Sacred Months

At the beginning of Islam, Allaah The Almighty prescribed prohibiting fighting in the sacred months. ... more

7 Reasons to Read the Glorious Quran

By: Shabir Ali

(1) Intimate:

It dares you to disprove it. How? It says that humans can not write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and got help also from the spirits. The Quran said this fourteen hundreds years ago and yet no one has been able to disprove ... Continue Reading

Matters that Help in Repenting

Following are some matters that help in repenting to Allah; may Allah remind a forgetful or alert a negligent by them. ... more

The Righteous Action

"The likeness of wealth, family and the actions of the son of Adam is of a man who has three companions. One of the man's companions says: I am with you as long as you live; when you die, you have taken your share of yourself and you have taken your share of me - this is his wealth. The second companion says: I am with you until you reach that tree; you have had your share of yourself and your share of me - this is his family. The third companion says: I am with you in life and in death." [Sahih: Related by Al-Bazzar and Al-Albani authenticated it] ... more

Translation of the meanings of surah Al-Hajj (1)

(1) (1) O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed, the convulsion of the [final] Hour is a terrible thing.


(2) (2) On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] ...

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How beautiful marriage is in Islam

People take being married for granted. When youth today are faced with the questions concerned with marriage they become scared ... But marriage in Islam is nothing to be scared of because it helps us with our din. 

Actually marriage helps us as youth stay away from premarrital temptations ... Continue Reading

The Virtue of Night Prayer

Nigh prayer...Importance, facilitating steps to it and the ranks of the righteous forefathers in it. ... more

Translation of the meanings of surah Al-A'raaf (2)

(104) (104) And Moses said, "O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds


(105) (105) [Who is] obligated not to say about Allāh except the truth. I have come to you with clear evidence from your Lord, so send with me the Children of Israel."[391]

[391]- i.e., free them from ...

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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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