The Miracles Around Us

Think! Maybe It Is for Your Good ... more

Economy and technical progress

Doctrinal reflections on technical progress are undoubtedly due to much earlier Aristotle, who was very attentive to the machine's characteristics. As for the progress itself, it fills the entire history of humanity, and there is even a temptation to say that it goes back to before that date itself. ... more

Episode 7: A Spotlight on the Journey of Israa and Miraj

Sheikh Ali Paqees:Israa and Miraj is the great journey of faith and the divine guidance granted by Allah (Glory be to Him) to his slave Mohammed صلى الله عليه وسلم to relieve his  sorrow after being accused of lying by his people, and dismissed by people of Altaef. Even his ...

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Truthfulness Leads to Righteousness

Firstly, this is a reminder for myself before it is to anyone else, that the month of Ramadan just finished few days ago. A month where we ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to accept our fasting and other good deeds. A month where we should have attained Taqwa (piety) which is the core goal ...

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A message to someone Drowning

Author: Sh. Hamed ibn Abdullah Al-Ali



I would like to let you know that I have committed most major sins and I am not saying this in order to take pride in my sins; I used to feel this before but not any longer. I have drunk wine twice in my life or perhaps three times, I don't ... Continue Reading

The Meaning of Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan, the Muslims holy month, was ordained during the second year of Hijrah. Why not earlier? In Makkah the economic conditions of the Muslims were bad. They were being persecuted. Often days would go by before they had anything to eat. It is easy to skip meals if you don't ...

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Why Muslims Believe that Islam is the truth

Many Christians & Jews don't know that Muslims believe in their prophets and holy books. Muslims believe that the Bible and the Torah were changed by people for their personal benefits. This is why God sent Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, not with a new religion, but to correct the people ...

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Cosmological references in the Noble Qur'ân

An article by : Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar
Translated by: Hazem Hamdy

The Noble Qur'ân refers in several âyas (verses) to the universe and to many of its constituents (the heavens and earth, and the various forms of creatures, objects, and cosmological phenomena in each). Those âyas are ... Continue Reading

Let's Fight Islam Online !

There are mutlitudes of emails floating around containing information about anti-islamic websites, for example ...

To : All Muslims :
This Site is against Islam !!
Please tell all friends to include in their e-groups . instantly e-mail to all friends !! )) ...

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The economic dimension(effects) of the war

War and its readiness are detrimental to development, squandering scarce resources and undermining international confidence that is necessary to promote development, ... ... more

The program of the Muslim sister in Ramadan

Sister, a great month is approaching. It has great virtues and many bounties. Its night is a niche for worshippers; its day is provision for them, and all its days are the escape bridge on the Day of Return. A month so described, and so full of favor is w ... more

The Land of South Sudan

Picturing the northerners as oppressors and slave hunters, The enemy grasped the opportunity to flare up this hatred between these two parties through using some of these individual incidents, false reports etc... their efforts turned positive, war rising b ... more
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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