Story of the Man who Killed ninety-nine people

it is recommended for the one who repents to leave the place in which he committed sins and those who help him doing so ... more

Giving Priority to the Quran

Abu Anas Hamad al-’Uthman

Hudayfah - radhiallahu 'anhu - said:

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam related two matters to us. I have seen one of them, and I am waiting for the other. He informed us: "Trustworthiness was sent down in the depths of the heart of the people, ...

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Cat Stevens : How I came to Islam

            All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man ... Continue Reading

Cosmological references in the Noble Qur'ân

An article by : Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar
Translated by: Hazem Hamdy

The Noble Qur'ân refers in several âyas (verses) to the universe and to many of its constituents (the heavens and earth, and the various forms of creatures, objects, and cosmological phenomena in each). Those âyas are ... Continue Reading

Poncardas Romas, Ex-Christian, Philippines

I was born on December 2, 1959, in Kawit, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Philippines. Since birth my parents were devoted Seventh Day Adventists, one of the thousand branches in Christendom. I was a former Evangelist of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA). Since childhood until I became Muslim in ...

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Biological Evolution - An Islamic Perspective

Many people wonder about the theory of biological evolution - the theory that living species on Earth today are descended from others in the past, and that the present diversity of living species we see is a result of descent with modification over the course of numerous generations.

Muslims ...

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Placement of the hands in prayer between Ahl al-Sunnah and others

Q: I am confused between the way a Sunni prays and the way a Shi'te prays. My father is a Shi'te and he has taught me to pray with my hands on my sides but I do not know what is the differnce. Why is there such difference between the two? Also, I would be very grateful if you tell me which form ...

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Q: If a girl loves a boy from afar, has she committed a sin?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Islam came to close the doors that lead to evil and sin, and is keen to block all the means that may lead to corruption of hearts and minds. Love and infatuation between the sexes are among the worst of ...

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Allah... Does it mean God?

In fact "Allah" is the perfect word to describe the "One God" of monotheism.

Where does the word "Allah" Come From?

"Allah" comes from the Arabic word "elah" - (Arabic) means 'a god' or something that is worshipped. This word (elah) can be made plural, as in "aleha" and it can be male or ...

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The lesser and greater signs of the Day of Resurrection

Q: What are the lesser and greater signs of the Day of Resurrection?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The signs and portents of the Day of Resurrection are the things that will happen before the Resurrection takes place and will indicate that it is close at hand. They have been divided into lesser ...

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V. Genocide of Jews on the Hands of WZM.

In an earlier essay, I brought in a number of counter evidence to argue against the truthfulness of the strong (exaggerated) version of the Holocaust committed by Nazis against non-Aryans, including Jews during World War II.

Monopolizing their strong grip on the media, the Zionists were ...

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Omar, The Criterion (part 2 of 3)

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