The Man Behind the Armor

He defied the odds in an era of darkness, setting aside the criticism of those who called him crazy for defying the impossible: uniting the Ummah, standing up to the Crusaders, and returning honor where it belonged. ... more

Making Obligations Easy

This is the profound meaning of at-tawbah offered to everyone: sincerely returning to God after a slip, a mistake, a sin. God loves that sincere return to Him and He forgives and purifies. ... more

Death: the Ultimate Visitor

O beloved brother: Do you know who the ultimate visitor is?! Do you know what he wants from visiting and meeting with you?! What does he ask from you?! ... more

Words about Love

Love is the greatest pillar of worship. Worship is based on three pillars: love, fear, and hope. Following are brief words about this greatest pillar: love. ... more

15 Tips to Earning Rewards from Allah

        1- Avoid Things that Allah has forbidden, including the great sins as well as continually performing the lesser sins, and perform what Allah orders us to perform: The prophet peace be upon him said: "Allah has recorded the good deeds and the evil deeds. Then he made them clear: He who ... Continue Reading

If the Prophet Muhammad visited you


If the Prophet Muhammad visited you 
just for a day or two; 
If he came unexpectedly 
I wonder what you'd do.  Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room 
to such an honored guest; 
And all the food you'd serve to him 
would be the very best; 
And you would keep assuring ...

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Scientific Accuracy of Qur'an Amazes U of T Professor

        This message is based on an article titled "Highlights of Human embryology in the Qur'an and Haidth" by Dr.Keith Moore, Professor of Anatomy and Chairman of the Department, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto, 1982. Dr. Moore points out that the study of how the human ... Continue Reading

On Religious Tolerance

            While on his deathbed, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah bless him, dictated a long Will consisting of instructions for the next Khalifah (Muslim President). Here is the last sentence of that historic document: "I instruct you on behalf of the people who have been given protection in ... Continue Reading

Who are the happy people?

O you who wear the pants and unveiling outfits in front of men and women, O you who wear the tight gowns, who compile your hear over your head and go out putting on perfume, O you who seduce men; beware of a severe threat. ... more

Celebrate Satan?

Shayton Doesn't Want You To Know? ... more

Do you uphold observing prayer in the Masjid

He Almighty said: {Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-Salawât (the prayers) especially the middle Salât (i.e. the best prayer - ‘Asr ). And stand before Allâh with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Salât (prayers)]} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:238] ... more

Amazing Interview with a 14 years old new Muslimah !

The way she speaks is really impressive .. after my conversation with her .. I thought that I must tell her the fact that she is very mature .. please read her words .. and distribute it .. read the story now !
Dear Sister .. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah sister , first ... Continue Reading
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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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