Make the MOST of the last Days of Ramadan!!

Aa’isha (radhi allahu anha) narrates, ”When the (last) ten (days of Ramadan) began, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would enliven/revive the night, wake his family, strive, and tie his izaar tight.” ... more

Selling greeting cards for Christian holidays

At work - I am a cashier, and there are Christmas cards with shirk on them "Jesus is God - and Loves You" etc... If a customer brings these to me, and I ring him up and put the money in the register - am I a kaafir? I hate the shirk, ......., ......, am I a kaafir?


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How to Get a Ramadan Full of Blessings?

The blessed month of Ramadan is an ideal time to work on purifying our souls ... more

Living the Qur'an

Living the Qur'an

By Khurram Murad

Reading the Glorious Qur'an will be of little benefit to you, unless you, from the first moment, begin to change and reconstruct your life in total surrender to Allah who has given you the Qur'an. Without the will and striving to act, neither the states of heart ...

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Does Islam encourage hostility to Christians?

Does Islam encourage hostility to Christians?

Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany

Some fanatics accuse Islam of bigotry against Christians and incitement to hate them. They back their false claim by Quranic verses which they misunderstood them or purposely misinterpreted them. Some of these Quranic verses ...

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The fasting person has two occasions for joy

Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah says: 'Every deed of the child of Adam is for himself, except for fasting. It is for Me and I shall reward it.' Fasting is a shield, so if it is a day of fasting for any one of you, then he should engage in no obscenity or ... Continue Reading

Islam, The Reliegion of Ease

Allah (SWT) has chosen for us a religion that goes neither to the extremes of hardship nor of laxity, but instead provides a middle path. Find out the reasons why the practice of Islam can sometimes become hard. ... more

The Wise Woman

Advices given by Omama Bint Alhareth to her daughter, Um Iass on her wedding day. This is considered to be among the most famous pieces of advice given by a mother to her daughter throughout our history. ... more

Eight Things to Do After Saying I Do

Get to know your husband inside out, and it will be a breeze when it comes to working out what he likes and dislikes. ... more

Cover Your Body Not Just Your Hair

{And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty} ... more

Seeking Comfort in Life

It bothers us to have to prioritize God and His religion in our lives, because that might get in the way of worldly pleasures. ... more

The Quest for Life's Meaning

The Quest for Life's Meaning

By AbdelRahman Mussa

What is the meaning of life?

And how can you find it?

For centuries, people have complained that their life had no meaning and that it was filled with misery. The discussion and search for meaning has plagued philosophers.

I’m not a philosopher, but ...

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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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