20 Special Characteristics of Ramadan

Since 2012-12-23

1.Its name: Ramadan, The Month of Ramadan, The Month of Patience, The Month of Siyam.

2.Look for the Hilal: Moon

3.The doors or Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are locked.

4.The Shayateen are bond

5.During every night Allah frees someone from Hell.

6.During Ramadan a servant’s provisions are increased.

7.During Ramadan a person must fast during the day.

8.Whoever fasts during Ramadan anticipating Allah’s reward will have his sins forgiven.

9.Whoever stands at night during Ramadan anticipating Allah’s reward will have his sins forgiven.

10.Fasting correctly gives a person Taqwa.

11.The Quran was revealed during this month.

12.It’s legislated to stand in congregation for a Sunnah prayer during Ramadan.

13.It’s encouraged to frequently give charity during Ramadan.

14.It’s strongly encouraged to perform I’tikaf during Ramadan.

15.The Last Ten Nights are the best nights in the Year.

16.Lailultul Qadr is in Ramadan.

17.Umrah during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj.

18.Whoever stands during Lailultul Qadr anticipating Allah’s reward will have his sins forgiven.

19.Zakatul Fitr is paid

20.A caller calls out every night during Ramadan saying , “ Oh seeker of good come on!” , “ Oh seeker of evil cease”

Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle

Doha, Qatar.

Ramadan 1st 1431©



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