Never Give Up – Don’t Let Satan Win

If you look in hindsight to every struggle we have ever faced, you can usually say that you overcame all of them. The only time we face a hardship that is not overcome is typically when we fail to do something about it, fail to remain positive and hopeful. ... more

Effects of Tawhid on Human Life

Let us study the effects which the belief in La ilaha illallah has on the life of a man and see why he should always make a success of life and why one who denies it becomes a failure in life, both here and in the hereafter. ... more

Advice to New Muslims

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Asalam Alaykum (Peace be with you),

Congratulations! Alhamdulillah (Praise to Allah) who has guided you to Islam, the path to success in this life and the next.

So now you are a new Muslim with lots on your mind. Amidst the joy and ... Continue Reading

The Story of Lot (part 2 of 2)

The Destruction of Sodom

Prophet Lot continued to suffer due to the wicked ways and unnatural behaviour of the people around him, yet he patiently continued to deliver his message. He called the people to give up their wicked ways and obey the One God, worshipping Him alone. However, the ...

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Bible Compared to Quran

Based on transcripts of vairous lectures given by Yusuf Estes & Dr. Gary Miller

Introduction by Yusuf Estes
It should be stated at the outset of this work, that Muslims do not seek to put down or desecrete the Holy Bible. It is a matter critical matter of faith for Muslims to believe in ...

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The Importance of Prayer

Q: What is the Importance of Prayer?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The importance of the prayer in Islam cannot be understated. It is the first pillar of Islam that the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned after mentioning the testimony of faith, by which one becomes a Muslim. It was made ...

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Yousef al Khattab, Ex-Jew, USA



I was born to a Secular Jewish family, and at the age of 18 years old decided to look "deeper" into belief in God. Like most people, I looked at religion from a view point that was closer to me. Being that my family was Jewish and I was raised to attend Jewish schools I looked into ...
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slaughtering for someone other than Allaah!!

Q: When is slaughtering for someone other than Allaah regarded as shirk?

Is every slaughter that is not done for the sake of Allaah regarded as shirk? Please give details, may Allaah reward you.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Slaughter may sometimes be a sacrifice, done to glorify and venerate ...
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The Pleasures of Paradise in Brief

God has said in the Quran:

{And give good news (O Muhammad) to those who believe and do good deeds, that they will have gardens (Paradise) in which rivers flow....} [Quran 2:25]

God has also said:

{Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and for Paradise, whose width is as the ...

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The Deen of Islam

Islam is the Deen which Alaah has sent Mohammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam)
with; Allaah made it the last of religions and perfected it for His creation; He made it a completion of His Favors upon them, and chose it to be their Deen; No other religion is accepted from any one except the Deen ...

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VIII. Expansionist Steps to Fulfill the Devilish Dream

The last essay focused on the issue related to the Zionists' ambitions in establishing their state on the larger scale claimed to be promised in the Old Testament from the Nile to the Euphrates. This essay will be concerned with the possibility of expanding the current occupied Muslim land to ...

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Q: Could you give us some information about the angels?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Allaah created the angels from light. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: «The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from smokeless fire, and Adam was created from that ...

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