Is it permissible to call upon a dead wali

Is it permissible to call upon a dead wali ("saint") or Hazrat 'Ali

Q: forgive me, I have more than 1 question.
1. Is the Prophet Sallalahu Alaihe Wasallam or any other being apart from Allah Omnipresent?
2. Can we call on anyone in times of need ie. a dead saint or Hazrat Ali Radialahahu anhu ...
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Saying "Yaa Rasool Allaah"

Q: I want to know that can we say Ya Rasool-Allah or not.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible to call upon anyone other than Allaah, whether at times of ease or times of hardship, no matter how great the status of the one who is called upon, even if he is a Prophet who is close to ...

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Was 'Eesa (Jesus - peace be upon him) a Jew?

Do muslims believe jesus was a jew? in the bible is says jesus was a jew.

Praise be to Allaah.

'Eesa ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary - peace be upon him) was one of the noble Prophets of Allaah, and one of the Messengers of strong will, whom Allaah sent to the Children of Israel, and taught ...

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Mankind's need for religion

Q: Why do people need religion? Isn't it enough to have (man-made) laws that will regulate people's lives?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Man's need for religion is greater than his need for any of the other necessities of life, because man needs to know what pleases Allaah and what angers Him; he ...

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Extravagant Sufism 1/3

Sufism reached its most organized form by the end of the third century after the Hijrah (Prophet Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Madinah, which occurred in 623 AD), when one of the well-known and infamous Sufi teachers, Al'Husayn ibn Mansoor Al-'Hallaj, announced his most deviant and ...

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Tayammum is a dry ablution. ... more

10 Reasons Why I Chose Islam as my Religion?

Islam is the original religion that gives Muslims peace of mind and requires us to submit to the will of God. Besides man, all creations of Allah SWT submit to the will of Allah. ... more

The difference between zakaah and sadaqah

Islam Question and Answer

Question No 9449
The difference between zakaah and sadaqah


What is the difference between Sadaka and Zakar?


Praise be to Allaah.  


Zakaah in Arabic means growth, blessing and purification. 

See Lisaan al-'Arab, 14/358;, ...

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A message to someone Drowning

Author: Sh. Hamed ibn Abdullah Al-Ali



I would like to let you know that I have committed most major sins and I am not saying this in order to take pride in my sins; I used to feel this before but not any longer. I have drunk wine twice in my life or perhaps three times, I don't ... Continue Reading

Muhammad, A Guidance to follow

           Muhammad as a man had already died, but as a Prophet he left behind him a legacy in the form of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. He stressed the urgent need to hold firmly to these two sources during his Farewell speech in the valley of Arafat. If people hold fast to them, they will never ... Continue Reading

Please Take me!

"I was driving to the grocery store just thinking of everything on my list to do today. Taking the kids to soccer practice, cleaning the house, getting groceries, getting the oil changed in the car, the list went on and on. i was feeling overwhelmed and was already tired before I had even ...

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Never Give Up – Don’t Let Satan Win

If you look in hindsight to every struggle we have ever faced, you can usually say that you overcame all of them. The only time we face a hardship that is not overcome is typically when we fail to do something about it, fail to remain positive and hopeful. ... more
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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