7 Conditions For a Woman's Dress

A Hijab is a word that indicated the following conditions : 1. Clothing must cover the entire body, only the hands and face may remain visible (According to some Fiqh Schools) .

2. The material must not be so thin that one can see through it.

3. The clothing must hang loose so that the ...

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That's My Hijab!

I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a "rebel".

    I have no visible tattoos and minimal piercing. I do not possess a leather jacket. In fact, when most people look at me, their first thought  usually is something along the lines of "oppressed female."

    The brave ...

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it is (Death!) Destroyer of creatures... Desolator of countries... Maker of orphans... Degrader of the strong tyrants... It does not know the young... It does not distinguish between the mean and the honorable... It does not show favor for those of sublim ... more

Allah Does not Look at Your Apperance

What really matters is our deeds. Beautiful article which drives us to consider the importance of having pure heart and doing good deeds which also will be reflected in the way we look to others. ... more

Save lives through your good words and actions

This life is full of incidents that will hurt or challenge your personality. As I was thinking I realised that you will come across some people who won't watch what they say or do to others and continue to cause pain to them , this verse has came to my mind... ... more

The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam

"Today I heard about the death of a very dear person to me (my beloved teacher). She looked after me when I first came to this country, I was 14 years old and she was 50 years old. She used to take me with her to her weekly classes then drop me off home... ... more

The Ansar and US

Their sacrifices were immense and their faith stunning. The name of Ansaar never fails to evoke undertones of sacrifice, submission, and love of Allaah The Most High and His Messenger... ... more

Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

Nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. It protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that disturb his peace of mind and exhaust the body. ... more

"Key" to Paradise

What Every Muslim Needs to Know - The 9 Conditions of "Shahadah"

Based on an Article entitled (The Conditions of "La illah illa-allah") taken from
AL-BASHEER magazine

The complete statement of the creed of the Muslim is: "Ash-shadu anna Laa elaha illa lah. Ash-shadu anna Muhammadar ...

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Origins of Shia

Scholars of Usul Al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) stated the following rule, "One cannot pass a judgment on something unless one has a clear conception of it". Based on this rule, it is meaningless to pass a judgment on Shia unless you have good knowledge about them. It is also ...

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Asking Forgiveness


Al-Istighfaar (Asking Forgiveness)

Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah
Majmoo al-Fataawaa 10/88-90

The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, said: «The master of invocations for forgiveness is that the servant says: O' my 'ilâh You are my Lord, there is no 'ilâh ...
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Characteristics of the saved group

Q: What are the most prominent characteristics of the saved group? If a person is lacking in any of these characteristics does that mean that he is not one of the saved group?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The most prominent characteristic of the saved group is adherence to the way of the ...

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26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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