Christian Minister Converts to ISLAM!

Christian Minister Converts to ISLAM!

Written by Yusuf Estes
Thursday, 16 November 2006

Christian Minister Converts to Islam - Why?

A minister of the Methodist Church, complete with a degree in divinity, author of many publications - choses ISLAM.
His former congregation wants to know, ...
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Neglecting prayer out of laziness

Q: If you do not pray salat out of laziness on purpose, are you a kafir or just a bad Muslim? Please answer.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Imaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book ...

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The importance of al-Quds for the Muslims - and do the Jews have any right to it

As a muslim, I am always told that the city of Jerusalem is important to us, But why? I am aware that Prophet Yaqoob built the Asqa Mosque in it and that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) led the previous Prophets in prayer signigying the unity of the message and all divine revelations; are ...

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Who are the Naasibis and what is the ruling on them?

Q: I would like to know about the following terms:
1- What is the definition of a Naasibi?
2- What is the ruling on such a person - is he a Muslim, a kaafir (disbeliever), one who has gone astray, or an innovator?
3- Are there some references which speak about the Naasibis?.

A: Praise be to ...

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The Return of Jesus (part 1 of 5)

Description: Similarities and differences about the second coming of Jesus between Christians and Muslims. The Messiah at the end of times according to Judaism.

By Jeremy Boulter (© 2006 - Published on 12 Jun 2006 - Last modified on 01 Apr 2008

Both Islam and Christianity ...

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Have You Ever Tasted Jannah?

Let's go home today driving towards Jannah... ... more

The status of the imams of the Ithna 'Ashari Shi'ah

Q: What is the position on the 12 Imams of the Shia, especiallt the later ones?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The Raafidis, Imamis or Ithna 'Asharis ("Twelvers") are one of the branches of Shi'ism. They are called Raafidis because they rejected (rafada) most of the Sahaabah and they ...

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XI. Zionist Terrorist Guerrillas exerting Massacres

During the heydays of yishuv (settlements) around 1935, a more radical Zionist terrorist group emerged. It was called the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi). Its major aim was to advocate the establishment of the Jewish State on both sides of the Jordan River. This group was ...

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Distortion of the Qur'aan by the Raafidis

Q: I have also heard by a shia collegue that their is a surat in their book which is not in the QURAN. can u confirm this? the surat in qs is called SURAT AL-WILAYAT.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

With regard to Soorat al-Wilaayah, some of the Shi'ah scholars and imams have stated that it exists. ...

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The Cross festivals

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the One the Self-Sufficient Master Who does not beget nor was He begotten. And Prayers of Allah be upon His prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Among the gravest sins, which are committed by the ...

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The reality of belief in the angels

Q: What does belief in the angels mean?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The angels form an unseen world; they were created by Allaah from light and they obey the commands of Allaah:
"who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are commanded" ...

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Speaking About Allah Without Knowledge

Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo

Al-Qurtubee in his tafseer, he talks about such people who say when they read the Quraan, in my mind this comes to my mind, or my heart tells me this, and he concludes who reads the Quraan and says, "ask your heart" or "my heart tells me," and so forth, they are ...

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