Tag: evil
Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawzeyya
Since 2014-01-15
Bitter Consequences of Sin
It is essential to know that sins and acts of disobedience are, necessarily, very harmful. Their harm effects upon the heart are akin to the harmful effects of poison upon the body. ... more
Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawzeyya
Since 2012-12-06
Dead Hearts
Many Muslims today have become so much attached to their life that their desire is to dwell among their family, house, money and commerce. They have forgotten that matters of the Hereafter should come before matters of this life... ... more
Since 2012-12-04
The Undetected Poison
He, in reality, is nothing in this vast creation. A speck upon a planet, which is a speck in comparison to the sun, which in turn is a speck in this universe, which is a speck in the ocean of Allah’s creation... ... more
Idris Palmer
Since 2012-12-03
On Halloween
Halloween is a Western celebration originated by Celtic pagans and traditionally applied to the evening of October 31. It is completely based on rituals involving dead spirits and devil worship. ... more
Since 2012-11-26
The Driver: Evils and Perils
The boldness of some Muslim in leaving their women ride with strangers; marriageable non-mahrim men is a great abominable action that shocks the people of religion who have a sense of honor. ... more
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2012-11-26
Explicit Warns about Many Religious Prohibitions
Allah and His Messenger have forbidden us from doing a number of things; as avoiding those things leads to the attainment of great benefits. That is in addition to warding off a lot of blights and significant evils. ... more
Since 2012-11-22
A message to my eye
Allah granted to this creature senses enabling him to go in the world of reality. Among the greatest of these sense organs is the eye with its delicate structure, perfect shape, beautiful appearance, and the ability of eyesight. This eye sees the signs of ability in the pages of this universe and reasons of belief exposed in the pages of the world and its corners. ... more
Since 2012-11-10
The evil deed
Indeed; for the sins and evil deeds there are negative evil effects hurt the heart and body, in the worldly life and hereafter too, great hurt none knows its severity but Allah. Therefore; the prudent Muslim should escape the sins and evil deeds and get away from them. ... more