Ayyub: An Example of Faith and Patience

Since 2002-08-14
The story of Ayyub (Job) gives consolation to all those who are ill or deprived of wealth or children.

The angels were discussing the conditions of mankind, their obedience and disobedience. One of them said that Ayyub was the best man on earth. He was an obedient believer, always praying to Allah. Allah blessed Ayyub to be wealthy for eighty years. During this time he never forgot to worship or thank Allah. He shared his wealth with the poor and clothed the naked.

Satan could not believe that there was a servant as sincere as Ayyub. Satan thought that his wealth was the reason for his sincerity, so he asked Allah for power to take away Ayyub's wealth with the intentions to mislead him. He reacted to his lost by saying that the wealth belongs to Allah and I thank him for what he has granted me and I thank .him for what he has taken. He then kneeled down in prayer. This made Satan angry.

Satan tried twice to mislead Ayyub after losing his wealth by asking Allah for power to take away his children and health. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) said I will give you power over his body, but I warn you against approaching his soul, tongue, and heart, because in them lies the secret of Faith. Ayyub acted in the same manner as when his wealth was taken away from him.

Satan realized that he couldn't misguide Ayyub, so he went to his wife to mislead her, by reminding her of their previous life style. Satan was successful in misleading his wife. This led to her complaining to Ayyub about their present state. This caused Ayyub to become upset with her and he vowed that he would beat her 100 times if Allah gave him back his health.

Satan was not successful in misguiding Ayyub. Allah then restored him with all that he had lost. Ayyub now had to fulfill his vow of striking his wife.

Allah ordered him to strike his wife once with a 100 pieces of good smelling grass, out of mercy for her. Indeed Allah is the most merciful.

The story of Ayyub should be a constant reminder for us all. We should read this story often just to remind ourselves. Many of us complain about the little things in life. Allah tested Ayyub in ways that we can really relate to. His faith and patience is something that we as true believing Muslims should try and implement in our lives, when Allah tests us in these situations. In the Quraan Allah says,

"Truly! We found him patient. How excellent (a) slave! Verily, he was ever oft returning in repentance (to us)." [Quran:38:4].

During these times we must remember Allah more, pray harder, and be more thankful instead of being dissatisfied with our condition. We should praise and thank Allah for every condition that he tests us with. As we know these are the times when Satan tries to work on us the most by playing with our minds, emotions, and weaknesses. Allah would never forget to reward a servant for such a great task.

"And (remember) Ayyub when he cried to his Lord: Verily, distress has seized me and you are the Most Merciful of all who show mercy." [Quraan:21:83]

"So We answered his call, and We removed the distress that was on him, and We restored his family to him (that he had lost), and the like thereof along with them, as a mercy from Ourselves and a Reminder for all those who worship us." [Quraan:21:84]

May Allah give us the faith and the patience when we are tested. Ameen.

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