Since 2002-05-30
Special Offer!!

Would you like to gain
Good Deeds

Would you like to erase

Would you like Allah to raise you

Sounds Intriguing?

Here's what to do.

When you enter the market say:

Laa ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun la yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa 'alaa kulli shay'in qadeer

[There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent.]

Want the daleel?

"Whoever enters a market and says: 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa `alaa kulli shay'in qadeer' [there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent.] Allah will write for him a million good deeds, erase a million of his bad deeds and raise him a million levels."


SubhanAllah.such immense reward!

Try it at the next time your in the marketplace!
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