The Remembrance of the Bearer of Glad Tidings and the Warner صلى الله عليه وسلم - Episode 1: A Spotlight on His Birth and Childhood صلى الله عليه وسلم

Since 2017-04-24

Episode 1: A Spotlight on his Birth and Childhood صلى الله عليه وسلم

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: "Verily, Allah looked at the inhabitants of the world and despised them, both the Arabs and foreigners among them, Both White and Black, except for some remnants from the people of the book {i.e., those among them who still believed in pure Islamic monotheism}."

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: In this region, there weren’t other widely spread religions, their religion was Paganism as they associated idols with Allah (Pure is He and He is exalted)

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Quraysh wasn’t away from the tribulation that was brought upon Mecca by Amr bin Luhai al-Khuza’i , as he was the one who brought the Idols from As-sham.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: after that he placed these idols at The Ka'bah (House of Allah) and then they started to associate them with Allah the Almighty (polytheism).

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon:  There were a great number of idols placed around the Ka'bah, it was said that they were 360 idols, all of which were knocked down when the prophet  conquered Mecca

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi:  They worshipped others than Allah the Almighty

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon:  Among their idols were; Manat, Al-lat and Al-'Uzza

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: they turned away from Allah سبحانه وتعالى and assigned what should only reach Allah, to their associates.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: They worshiped the idols, make sacrifices of animal to them, Consecration of certain portions of food, drink, cattle and crops to them and even performing pilgrimage to the idols, circumambulating around them, seeking their help in hardships, sickness and in means of living as they believed that they 'll bring them near unto Allah سبحانه وتعالى

Sheikh Ali Paqees: They prostrated to stones, worshiped others than Allah although they lived about the House of Allah which is the sign of monotheism that Allah's apostle Ibrahim professed.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: So they went astray, turning from monotheism to paganism, for Quraysh believed that Allah is the Creator, The Provider, The Giver of life, The Creator of Death Yet they worshiped others than Allah

The Holy Quran:

  {أَفَرَأَيْتُمُ اللَّاتَ وَالْعُزَّى (19) وَمَنَاةَ الثَّالِثَةَ الْأُخْرَى (20)} [النجم: 19-20]

Interpretation of the Meaning: "Have you then considered Al-Lât, and Al-'Uzza (two idols of the pagan Arabs) (19) And Manât (another idol of the pagan Arabs), the other third (20)?" [An-Najm: 19-20]

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: The Arab at that time were divided into Urabn and Bedouin, The economical situation of both differs greatly; as for Bedouins their trade were in cattles and camels where Urban means of living were Farmers ( as the Medina's people) whom trade was about their yield and fruits, or Tradesmen Like those of Mecca..Quraysh

The Holy Quran:

{لِإِيلَافِ قُرَيْشٍ (1) إِيلَافِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ (2) فَلْيَعْبُدُوا رَبَّ هَذَا الْبَيْتِ (3) الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُمْ مِنْ جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُمْ مِنْ خَوْفٍ (4)} [قريش: 1-4]  

Interpretation of the Meaning: "(It is a great Grace and Protection from Allâh), for the taming of the Quraish, (1) (And with all those Allâh's Grace and Protections for their taming, We cause) the (Quraish) caravans to set forth safe in winter (to the south), and in summer (to the north without any fear), (2) So let them worship (Allâh) the Lord of this House (the Ka'bah in Makkah).(3) (He) Who has fed them against hunger, and has made them safe from fear. (4)" [Quarish: 1-4]

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Quraysh pride themselves in tending to pilgrims and giving them drinks, food and whichever they need.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy:  Quraysh and other tribes in Mecca took pride in living around the House of Allah (Al-Ka'bah) which the prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma'il (Peace be upon them) built it, and even the Arabs honored Quraysh for Al-Ka'bah.

The Holy Quran:

{أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا أَنَّا جَعَلْنَا حَرَمًا آمِنًا وَيُتَخَطَّفُ النَّاسُ مِنْ حَوْلِهِمْ أَفَبِالْبَاطِلِ يُؤْمِنُونَ وَبِنِعْمَةِ اللَّهِ يَكْفُرُونَ} [العنكبوت: 67]

Interpretation of the Meaning: "Have they not seen that We have made (Makkah) a sanctuary secure, and that men are being snatched away from all around them? Then do they believe in Bâtil (falsehood - polytheism, idols and all deities other than Allâh), and deny (become ingrate for) the Graces of Allâh?" [Al-Ankabut: 67]

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: another aspect of their lives introduces a moral and spiritual corruption which a good human nature certainly condemns and revokes. (i.e. burying the baby girls alive) and such evils were generally spread among Arabs.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: and among their sadly impoverished attributes; believing in evil omens and pessimism.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Those tribes lived in a ruler ship based on tribal solidarity and severe intolerance to each one's tribe.

Sheikh Ali Paqees:  "help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed" They followed this precisely but not as Islam demanded, for they supported the oppressor by assisting him in his means of oppressing others not abstaining him.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Major evils and vices were spread as they committed shameful crimes and sinful ones.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: 'Aisha the Mother of the Believers (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated about the women status before the prophet hood, let's take the Marriage aspect for example

Sheikh Ali Paqees: there were kinds of marriages in which prostitution and indecency were rampant and in full operation. The husband would send his wife – after the menstruation period – to cohabit with a man of status in order to bear a child with some of his characteristics.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Another kind of their marriages that 'Aisha Mother of the Believers mentioned; a group of less than ten men would have sexual intercourse with a woman. If she conceived and gave birth to a child, she would send for these men, and declare one of them her child's father and nobody could abstain and the man meant would have to accept his son-ship.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Hence it was of great necessary for a guide to be sent to them, and So was Allah's apostle Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Holy Quran:

{هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِنْهُمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِنْ كَانُوا مِنْ قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُبِينٍ}  [ الجمعة: 2]

 Interpretation of the meaning: "He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur'ân, Islâmic laws and Islâmic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah: legal ways, orders, acts of worship, etc. of Prophet Muhammad SAW). And verily, they had been before in mainfest error;"[Al-Jumu'a: 2]

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Muhammad bin Abdullah صلى الله عليه وسلم, the best among mankind and the best of Allah's creations, the Master of Prophets, offspring of a noble, honorable family, which was known for its nobility and high status.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Abu Al-Qasim صلى الله عليه وسلم May my father, mother and my own life  be sacrificed for him

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Muhammad bin Abdullah

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Bin Abdul-Muttalib

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: bin Hashim

Sheikh Ali Paqees: bin 'Abd-Manaf

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: bin Qusai

Sheikh Ali Paqees:  bin Kilab

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: bin Murra bin Ka‘b bin Lo’ai bin Ghalib

Sheikh Ali Paqees: his lineage صلى الله عليه وسلم reaches Fehr who's known as Quraysh

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: ِAnd Quraysh are Arabs and the Arabs descend from Isma'eal offspring who's the son of Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon them prophets all)

(Allah favoured him with the noblest genealogy, Oh! how blooming of an origin is it! How great of a lineage he descended from صلى الله عليه وسلم

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: When Abdullah bin Abdul-Mutalib reached 25 years old, his father chose his wife for him, a wife who stood eminent in respect of nobility of position and descent in Mecca.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Amenah bint Wahab bin ‘Abd-Munaf bin Zohra, a woman known for her nobility among women and men in Mecca.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: After marriage, Abdullah stayed at his wife's relatives place for 3 days as the Arabs' tradition back then.

Sheikh Ali Paqees:  Oh! And what blessed great prophet was to be the outcome of that marriage! For Amenah bint Wahb conceived a blessed prosperous baby for all mankind.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: But Abdullah didn't stay long with his wife before his father sent him to Madinah for trade.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: And he stayed there for a month before he got sick and died there and buried in Al-Nabeghah home.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Abdullah left Muhammad a very little wealth —five camels, a small number of goats, a she-servant, called Barakah –Umm Aiman – who would later serve as the Prophet’s nursemaid.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: He was born in Bani Hashim lane in Mecca, on Monday, on Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, the same year of the Elephant Event, though Scholars differ in determining on which day of that month the prophet was born.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Some even disagreed on the year he صلى الله عليه وسلم was born in, The important thing is the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was born.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: The birth of the Prophet brought all sorts of goodness, glory and honor to this Ummah.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: His birth was a mercy to the world, He himself said: ' I am the invocation of my father, Ibrahim, and the glad tidings of my brother, ‘Eesa (Jesus) and the vision of my mother'  As the prophet's mother said about his birth ' “When he was born, there was a light that issued out Of my pudendum and lit between East and West.”

(What a good day was it! not only for Aamenah and the prophet's kind grandfather but also for the whole world)

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: The birth of the prophet wasn't of the likes of any other.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Some historians mentioned that harbingers accompanied the birth, indicated that the child born was of an exceptional position in life; as it was narrated by some –although some Scholars weakened the Hadith- that fourteen turrets of Kisra’s Persian palace which have a total of twenty two, collapsed at the birth of the prophet.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Also on the day of his birth in the same year the Sawa lake dried up and number of churches collapsed around it.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: When the prophet was born the Persians' Fire was put out.

Sheikh Ali Paqees:  It was a great day which was written down in history; even though those stories may be not entirely true, yet the most important thing is that the prophet indeed was born, fifty nights after the year of the Elephant event.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Afterwards Aamenah immediately sent for his grandfather ‘Abdul-Muttalib informing him of the happy event. When he came and carried him he showered the little baby with kisses and embraced him tightly, afterwards he carried it to Al-Ka‘bah, prayed to Allah and thanked Him.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: While discussing the exceptional precursors to the prophet's birth, we have to go through the story of the Elephant Companions' event which occurred less than two months before the prophet's birth صلى الله عليه وسلم, Abraha viceroy in Yemen for Al-Najashy (King of Habasha (Ethiopia)), He had seen that the Arabs made their pilgrimage to Al-Ka‘bah and worship their statues and idols around it.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: So he built a large church in San‘a in order to attract the Arab pilgrims to it. A man from Kinana tribe heard about this

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Therefore, he entered the church stealthily at night and besmeared its front wall with excrement.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: When Abraha knew of that, he got very angry, specially cause the one who did that was from the Arabs, tribes around Al-Ka'bah in particular.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: He swore to avenge the doer and to demolish Al-Ka'bah; so he led a great army -of sixty thousand warriors as some historians mentioned.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: He included nine elephants at the head of his army, and led the army himself till they reached the outskirts of Mecca.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: On his way his army captured many camels, including more than a hundred of 'Abdul-Muttalib's. Sooner Abul-Muttalib was informed of the purpose of Abrah to demolish Al-Ka'bah and him capturing his Camels; so he went to Abraha. Abdul-Muttalib was a grave, respectable and noble man of prestige, When Abraha saw him he was awed by his noble, great features and spirit so he descend from his throne and sat down beside him on the carpet.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Abdul-Muttalib requested him to release his camels. Abraha was astonished. He said: "When my eyes fell upon you, I was so impressed by your prestigious, respectable self. But now, I have no respect for you. Why? Here I have come to demolish the House which is the religious center of yours and you ask me to return your few camels back to you?!"

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Abdul-Muttalib said: "I am the owner of the camels, (therefore, I tried to save them), and this House has its own Owner Who will surely protect it." Afterwards Abdul-Muttalib approached Al-Ka'bah then took hold of the door of the Ka'bah and, crying to Allah, prayed sincerely

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: (O Allah! Surely a man defends his own home; therefore, Thou should protect Thy Own House (Al-Ka'bah). Their cross and their wrath can never overcome Thy wrath. O Allah, grant Thy Own people victory today over the fellows of the cross and its worshippers).

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: When he reached Muzdalifah, Muhassen Valley in particular, the elephant knelt down and refused to go forward. Whenever they directed it northwards, southwards or eastwards, the elephant moved quickly but when directed westwards towards Al-Ka‘bah, it knelt down. Thus the army was stunned.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: Meanwhile, Allah loosed upon them birds in flights, hurling against them stones of baked clay weighs no more than a gram, each bird was carrying three stones; one in its peak and two in its claws.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: The stones hit Abraha’s men and went into their skulls and limbs. A large number of them were killed in this way and the others fled at random and died everywhere. Abraha himself had an infection that had his fingertips and limbs fall off and were amputated, wherefore he reached Yemen looking like a clipped chick which served him right and was a sign of warning to all posterity; and soon after, the prophet was born to guide people to the right path and spread the message of Islam.

The Holy Quran:

{ أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ(1) أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ(2) وَأَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا أَبَابِيلَ(3) تَرْمِيهِمْ بِحِجَارَةٍ مِنْ سِجِّيلٍ(4) فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَأْكُولٍ(5)}  [الفيل:1-5]

Interpretation of the meaning: "Have you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant? [The elephant army which came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah Al-Ashram intending to destroy the Ka'bah at Makkah].(1) Did He not make their plot go astray? (2) And sent against them birds, in flocks,(3) Striking them with stones of Sijjîl.(4) And made them like an empty field of stalks (of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle).(5)" [Al-Feel: 1-5]

 Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: The first woman who suckled the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم after his mother was Thuybah, the She-Slave of Abu Lahab.

 Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: It was the general tradition among Arabs then to send their children away to bedouin wet nurses so that they might grow up healthier in the fresh air whereby they would develop a robust frame and acquire the pure speech and manners of the Bedouins, and learn chivalry, horsemanship and fighting skills.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: therefore the prophet had his Bedouin wet nurse. So who was his wet nurse صلى الله عليه وسلم? Let us listen to Haleima bint Abi Dhuaib Al-Sa'deyya own words about how she became the prophet's wet nurse.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: Haleemah narrated that she along with her husband and a suckling baby, set out to Mecca, in the company of some women of her clan in quest of children to suckle.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Not even a single woman amongst us accepted the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم when offered to her. As soon as they were told that he was an orphan, they refused him and soon All got their suckled babies.

 Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: And how could one of us accept him صلى الله عليه وسلم when he was an orphan! For each one of us looked forward to the reward that we would get from the child’s father.

 Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: So he was rejected صلى الله عليه وسلم because of that till Haleima took him, as Allah favoured her with such a bliss.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: She said: "I took him because there was simply no other alternative left for me but to take the orphan baby."

 Sheikh Ali Paqees: O Allah! And indeed she took a blessed baby, just as her husband predicted.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: As soon as I embraced him, I put him on my breast and to my great surprise; I found enough milk in it. He drank to his heart’s content, and so did his foster brother (her own baby)

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: While on their way back to the Bedouin, My slow, frail donkey out-ran the others whilst the rest of the party looked on in amazement asking me ' if the donkey was the same one I had come with' I replied " Yes it is." They then said " by Allah there's something about it' I said "Yes, he is carrying a blessed child'.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: She said: "Then my own child after suckling fell deeply asleep, although my baby had not been able to sleep the previous night. She continued on: ' My husband then went to our poor bony she-camel to milk it and, to his astonishment; he found plenty of pure milk in it; and we drank to our fill and then he said to me 'By Allah Haleemah, you have got us a blessed child.”, She responded to him "I do think so, May Allah have mercy on you"

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Before they reached the land of Bani Sa’ad, the vegetation had already become scant, there was no vegetation in sight, the land was barren with signs of drought everywhere, her sheep always returned hungry. However, after they were back with the prophet, Halima's sheep would wander off yet always return full, with plenty of milk.

(So Haleemah suckled Muhammad the baby and didn't listen to her fellow-wet nurses; 'an orphan child is a sign of poverty', soon she felt a surge of milk in her breasts, though her nights before him were sleepless on account of hunger)

Sheikh Ali Paqees: After two years of staying in Bani Sa'd land

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Haleemah and her husband took Muhammad the child back to his mother Amenah, in fact they reluctantly did so.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: She requested earnestly to have him stay nursed with them for two more years.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: So the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم stayed with Haleemah and her family till he was four years old, thus the event of splitting his chest occurred.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Gabriel then came down and knocked the prophet down, ripped his chest open and took out the heart. He then extracted a blood-clot out of it and said: “That was the part of Satan in thee.”

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: After that he joined the heart together and restored it to its place in the prophet's body.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: His foster brother saw that event with his own eyes, soon he was terrified and ran to Haleemah horrified, he told her 'O Mother, go see Muhammad, Muhammad was killed' no sooner did they rush towards him than he came to them, his face very pale and white from what he suffered with Gebriel (peace be upon him) as Allah the Almighty ordered.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: After that event, Haleemah was worried about the prophet and returned him to his mother with whom he stayed till her death.

 Sheikh Ali Paqees: Two years after Muhammad has returned to his mother, Amenah missed her husband's dearly, wished out of loyalty to visit his grave in (Madinah) as the custom of the people then.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: The prophet accompanied her in her journey to his father's grave; he was a strong, nimble child. They went with her maid Um Ayman and her guardian Abdul- Muttalib; they stayed for a month there before starting their journey back; unfortunately she got sick on her way back and soon she died and was buried in a place called Al-Abwa' between Mecca and Madinah.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: The prophet became completely an orphan, for his father died when his mother conceived him and now his mother died too when he was only six years of age.

The Holy Quran:

{أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ يَتِيمًا فَآوَى (6) وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهَدَى (7) وَوَجَدَكَ عَائِلًا فَأَغْنَى (8) فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ (9)وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ (10) وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ (11)} [الضحى: 6-11]

Interpretation of the Meaning: "Did He not find you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (6) And He found you unaware (of the Qur'ân, its legal laws, and Prophethood, etc.) and guided you? (7) And He found you poor, and made you rich (selfsufficient with selfcontentment, etc.)? (8) Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression, (9) And repulse not the beggar; (10) And proclaim the Grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other Graces). (11)" [Ad-Duha: 6-11]

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: after his mother death, his grandfather took him under his guardianship and protection. He had warm passions towards his orphan grandson; he took great care of him.

 Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: he guarded him with the greatest care, and he made his nursing to Barakah, Um Ayman Al-habashiyya, the prophet's incubator whom took great care in his nursing to the extent that the prophet later said about her:" I consider her my mother after the death of my birth mother"

Sheikh Ali Paqees: Abdul-Muttalib was of the noblest status among his people; A mattress was to be put in the shade of Al-Ka‘bah for him. His children used to sit around that mattress in honour to their father, but the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to sit on it when he was a child. His uncles would take him back, but Abdul-Muttalib would say:

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: “Leave my grandson. by Allâh My boy will hold a significant position.”

Sheikh Ali Paqees:He would seat the prophet on his mattress, pat his back and was always pleased with whatever the prophet did and so the prophet was overwhelmed with his grandfather's care for months, but the good days go by, quickly. Few months later his grandfather died and charged his uncle Abu Talib of him, the latter took charge of him in the best way, he tends to him very kindly and generously, loved him dearly and supported him greatly.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: His uncle supported him greatly and devotedly till the end, even after the prophet hood, although he still professed paganism.

(Abu Talib said a poem about his orphan nephew, and how true was he!

Pure is he, that for the sake of his face prayers for rain are answered;

 Generous towards orphans is he, and a protection for widows.)

Sheikh Ali Paqees: The prophet was kept under his uncle's guardianship. When he صلى الله عليه وسلم was twelve years old, he went with his uncle on a business trip to As-Sham for Quraysh.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: A strange incident occurred to the prophet when they reached Busra, the first cities of As-sham from the Arabian Peninsula way.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: There was a monk inhabited this area, called Buhaira; that monk had never been in the habit of receiving or entertaining the Arabs before; he cut off himself from the outside world and kept to himself and his prayers.

 Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: But not this time, for he as soon as he had encountered Abu-Talib and his caravan, he showed them great kindness, entertained them lavishly; he kept staring intensely at their faces and readily enough recognized the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and said while taking his hand: “This is the master of all humans, Alla's messenger., whom would spread a message which will be a mercy to all  beings.”

 Sheikh Ali Paqees: Abu talib wondered “How do you know that?” so Buhaira answered "I recognized him, “When you appeared from the direction of Athaneyya, all stones and trees prostrated themselves which they never do except for a Prophet".

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Such prostrating isn't the one done as an act of worshipping, but it's that of glorifying and honoring.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: He also asked Abu Talib to send the prophet back to Mecca. Consequently, Abu Talib sent him back صلى الله عليه وسلم, hence the prophet didn't continue that business trip with his uncle.

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Episode 2: A Spotlight on His Youth صلى الله عليه وسلم