How can we actually benefit from 500 million riyal?

Since 2012-11-22

"And the best act in times of helping the needy for high rank (dignity), strength or money is to help him and relief his sorrow and altruism of that on your privacy and comfort."


Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, most graceful and most merciful and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his good followers to the judgment day so:

The Muslim becomes glad while hearing about or watching other Muslims spending their money on charity hoping for reward, asking for merit and for forgiveness of sins.

I ask God -raised far above- to bless all the efforts, and to increase his blessings on everyone and give the one who spent a lot a good reward and spread his blessings on this person and his descendants.

But I'd like to bring attention to some cases that are related to spending in charity fields:

1- Lets consider what God the Almighty has said: "Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have enumerated in a clear register." [Ya-seen 36:12]

{إِنَّا نَحْنُ نُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ وَنَكْتُبُ مَا قَدَّمُوا وَآثَارَهُمْ ۚوَكُلَّ شَيْءٍ أَحْصَيْنَاهُ فِي إِمَامٍ مُّبِينٍ}

Transliteration: 'Innā Naĥnu Nuĥyi Al-Mawtá Wa Naktubu Mā Qaddamū Wa 'Āthārahum Wa Kulla Shay'in 'Ĥşaynāhu Fī 'Imāmin Mubīnin

Al Sheikh Abd Al Rahman Ibn Saady said in explaining this verse (aya):
"Verily we shall give life to the dead" means: God will resurrect people after death to reward them on what they have done.
"And we record that which they send before" means: Which are the good and evil acts which they had done in their lives.
"And what they leave behind" means: Which are the good and evil remains which were resulted from their acts while they were still alive and after their death and these acts which resulted from what they had said and done, as everything good a person had done because of (following) another Muslim's knowledge, education, or an advice or enjoining right or forbidding the wrong, or knowledge taught to students or put in books to be availed during his life and after his death, or had done a good thing as praying, obligatory charity tax (zakat), charity, benevolence for others to follow, built a mosque or a shop to help people, and so on, all that will be from his remains which will be accounted for him, and also for the evil acts (deeds).

And because of that " He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without their's being diminished in any respect".

«من سن في الإسلام سنة حسنة فله أجرها، وأجر من عمل بها من بعده، من غير أن ينقصمنأجورهم شئ، ومن سنفي الإسلام سنة سيئة فعليه وزرها، ووزر من عمل بها من بعده ،من غير أن ينقص من أوزارهم شيء»

And this hadith reveals (explains) the importance of calling to Allah and the guidance to his way by all means, and also reveals how mean will be the caller for evil and the leader in it, and that he will be the vilest person among all the creatures and the greatest sinner of all. End of the Sheikh's words May God have mercy on him
Also, what did the Prophet says: "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: a continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit, pious son who prays for him" [Narrated by Muslim]

«إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عنه عمله إلا من ثلاثة: إلا من صدقة جارية. أو علم ينتفع به . أو ولد صالح يدعو له»

2- Nowadays in our society, are people spending on the most important charity fields which have the greatest reward and the deepest impact?

For answering this question, I can say: some people who want to spend on charity don't investigate well about the best fields of charity, which need it the most, and which of them are legal but for most of them it is just a habit or an inheritance from his father.

And because of that you can find: someone who is building a mosque and establishing two minarets, but only one can be enough, and may be the second one's price was enough to build a whole Islamic center or even another mosque.

Other examples too: who is building a mosque which can take 1000 prayer, for sure all that number will never come together to pray at the same time or even near to that number, so if this mosque was built according to the expected number or around it, the rest of the money can be used in other charity projects which are more important than unneeded space inside the mosque, but indeed these resources are exhausted on the air conditioner, the furnishing, the lighting and the maintenance.

And from the programs which are related to the mosque where money can be spent on: establishing classes to teach the legislative science and teaching the Holy Qur'an, or establishing a complete helpful library for the group of the mosque, or establishing an endowment which can be invested and its profit will be spent on the mosque and the different guidance (calling) programs held inside it.

And from the examples that aren't clear for the charitable people: who force himself to stay in Mecca during Ramadan every year, and this type of person can invest this money in different charitable projects which have a long-term impact, this may be more useful to himself and to others.

And Al Imam Ibn Al Qayem may god have mercy on him, said about the best worships (it is better to return to the whole text), some of what he said is:
"And the best act in times of helping the needy for high rank (dignity), strength or money is to help him and relief his sorrow and altruism of that on your privacy and comfort." (Madareg Al Salikin:1/101)

And if the amount spent by one person to stay in Mecca was estimated, will be 10,000 riyal so the total for 50,000 tenants during Ramadan will be 500,000,000 Riyal.

And it is obvious that the charitable fields which benefits a lot whether locally or abroad need this money desperately and more.

And from the other worships which help other people: All kinds of charity on the poor, miserable people, supporting orphans, digging water wells for way farers and supporting the calling programs as supporting supplicants, printing books and messages, recording useful tapes in different languages, building mosques and Islamic centers, establishing the legislative libraries and encouraging teaching the Holy Qur'an by giving prizes for memorizing it and to the teachers too, and things like that which are all methods of continuous charity and by doing that you have fulfilled your responsibility towards calling to Allah, enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong, and spreading Allah the Almighty's religion.

So, are we spending what had God raised far above, gave us as abilities and money for building and demonstration the real Islam, expulsing the false and its followers, and protecting the Muslim's beliefs and morals (behavior) from the scheme of their enemies, before we search for this money and we couldn't find it God forbidden?!.
Because days are changing and who gave us these blessings can turn them to (give them to) other people if we didn't practically thank Allah for them.

3- Does the actual (present) spending prevent the wealthy people from sins of supporting essential tasks that needed to be actually supported and spend on it?

I'll leave the answer to my dear reader.

And it is obvious what huge efforts are the enemies of Islam either Jews, or Christians, or callers for heresy and askew religions' followers, or others doing to separate the Muslims away from their religion, make them turnout from Islam and prevent others from entering Islam.

So, are we doing our full duty towards our religion and protecting ourselves from the sin of leaving the calling, giving up with enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong, and spreading God's raised far above religion to everyone according to his ability and condition?!

4- Does the actual (present) spending is stuck to the legislative manners and rules?

Actually some of the existing cases aren't stuck to the above, as some of the faults are:

a) The cursed devil is jealous from Adam's son because of his courage in doing this worship (charity) so he tries to prevent him and if he couldn't, he would try to ruin his intention to be not for God's sake, like desire and hypocrisy and showing and competing and others, but the result will be that the charity will not be accepted by God.

b) Excess spending when there is no need for spending like: Decorating mosques and putting domes and using expensive light systems.

c) Paying the obligatory charity to the wrong people or relying on someone whose religion and knowledge aren't trusted then he spend it on bad things,

and if we count the money which is paid by a group at a mosque in a whole year to beggars whose conditions aren't known and may be most of them don't deserve the charity –so what about the obligatory charity- if we estimated the amount of that money it will reach 90,000 riyal during one year if the number of hypocrites was 50 per day and the spending rate is 5 riyal per time.

5- Are there any helpful means (compliant methods) to contribute in the fields that Muslims should spend on?

Thank God, yes there are, nowadays there are many ways from which anyone can contribute in different benefaction places either aid or educational calling work.

Here are some examples: Calling offices and promoting awareness colonies, centers of teaching the Holy Quran, charitable and philanthropic organizations and so the charitable centers and organizations which have Islamic role abroad.

And it is preferred that everyone pays his charity (sadaka) and the obligatory charity (zakat) by himself and if he wanted to assign someone, he should investigate well about him so that these charitable activities be held ideally and be more useful and long-lasting.

Concerning a question asked by charitable people: "What can I do as I can't establish an Islamic center or build a mosque or even print a book?"

So, I reply: The missionary centers and offices help you to obtain (realize) what you want, as they collect small and large amounts of money and when the money is enough to build a center or print a book or any other activity, they take the step.

6- Are there any activities and behaviors by which people's money are wasted instead of being used for doing positive useful activities?

I say: yes. Here are some examples:

Excess spending on banquets, parties, clothes and houses. If one marriage banquet in one of the wedding palaces or hotels costs 30,000 riyal, so having 1000 banquet in one city during a year will constrain 30,000,000 riyal, so if every couple just paid one-third of the total amount, 20,000,000 riyal will be saved for the couples to make use from it or to be spent in different charitable fields which need it the most.

And concerning the money which is spent on traveling abroad during summer vacations, the Muslim feels ashamed from mentioning it and fear from the punishment as most of the money is spent on forbidden stuff and silly amusement, and it was published in one of the magazines that during one of the summer vacancies a sum of 26,000,000 riyal was transferred abroad (out of the country) for tourism [The world of economics magazine: 8th year: edition 89]

I ask God -raised far above- to fix the conditions of all Muslims, and to provide (give) everyone the good intention and good work.

Translated by website


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